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Coco had babies!!!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 23, 2005
Ok. They were not there last night. They are there now! There are 4 of them. The 5th one died. I am going to the vet today. Cinnamon is out of the cage. So, does anyone in southern California wants any babies?
Sorry for the loss of the one baby. I hope the rest are healthy and fine. How is Coco doing?

I can't remember Zaks, was Coco preggers before you got her or did Cinnamon's neuter not take?
Apparently Cinnamon's neuter didn't take because Coco was not pregnant before I got her. Plus, they sort of look like a mix between the two. Coco seems to be doing totally fine. Of course the vet and the humane society, where I got Cinnamon is not open yet. What do I do with them? Should I leave them alone or what? They are sort of shaky like they are afraid. They get in this huddle together and just stare at me, its kind of creepy.
How long do I need to wait before I can remove the babies from the mother? The rescue I got Coco from said they would definately take the babies.
Well, the boars need to be taken away from Coco at 3 weeks, otherwise Coco may end up pregnant again. So it's at least 3 weeks before you can separate Coco from any of her pups.
Ok. Is there anything special I should be feeding them?
zakfoxmom said:
They get in this huddle together and just stare at me, its kind of creepy.
They are plotting against you. Be afraid...be VERY afraid.

They should be fine. After all this is their first day standing. You'd be shaky too at first. As long as they are nursing and mom is caring for them they should be okay.

You can take them from mom at 3 weeks and bring them to the rescue. Or if you have boys and girls you can make another C&C cage and seperate the boys out to live with dad. You know you really wanna keep them.
Offer them hay and veggies and make sure the water bottle is low enough the pups can reach it. Mom should teach them how to eat everything and drink from the water bottle. Get some alfalfa hay for mom and pups. They will need it.
They are plotting, arent' they?? I knew it. hahaha.

Thanks for all the advice. I really appreciate it. If we didn't have three cats, two birds and a bunch of fish, I would think about it but this is too much for us. Plus the space we have is perfect for the two but not big enough to expand.

My son was at his grandma's last night and my husband went to work early this morning and I am the only one home. To say the least, I freaked out. I expected it but still freaked. Wee Companions where I got Coco is great. She is going to double check Cinnamon for me to make sure he is neutered. The humane society was not helpful. I will give Wee Companions a good donation for helping me out.

I will take pictures in a while and put them up for you all to see.
One more question. Since I have a 2x4 can I put up some grids in the middle to keep Coco and Cinnamon apart? Otherwise all I have is my original storebought cage from before I discovered c&c cages. I would hate to have Cinnamon be stuck in that until tomorrow when I can get him checked to make sure he's neutered.
Sure, you can divide the cage for now. Since it won't be too long that he's seperated either cage will do (divided C&C or store bought). Just make sure that you double up the grids or baby proof them so that the babies don't get out of the cage or wander into Cinnamon's half and get stuck and seperated from mom.
I have Cinnamon in the store bought right now. Its almost the size of a 1x2 c&c catge. I feel bad but it will only be until tomorrow. I think the sides of the big cage is high enough that the babies can't get out. The babies are hiding in the pigloo right now. They are pretty darn cute but I am limited to two piggies.
Ok, update. Cinnamon got a check up at the humane society where I adopted him from and lo and behold he was not neutered completely. He is going in on Wednesday free of charge to get redone. This is my problem. I am a real issue with Coco and the babies. I know its not her fault getting pregnant but I really really did not want babies. I am taking the babies to a rescue when they are old enough. I almost feel like I want to take Coco to and get a boy to go with Cinnamon. We have never really bonded that well with Coco. I just don't know what to do. I like her an all but I just don't feel as bonded with her as I do with Cinnamon. She and I just don't seem to click. Has anyone had that feeling before???
Some pigs aren't people friendly, or like lap time. I don't think you should "exchange" her.

You adopted her and took responsibility for her. Cinnamon gets along with her, right?

I have a few that aren't lap pigs. I enjoy them by watching them play and eat. You can adopt another if you want another one.
You have an excellent point. I will keep her. I think my problem is that I am afraid she will get pregnant again. She does get along with Cinnamon.
How long have you had her for? When I got my 2nd piggy as a companion for penny I wasn't too crazy about her either. I thought she was ugly. I really didn't care because I was very attached to penny and like I said the 2nd piggy (nickel) was just a companion. I still tried to bond with nickel, though she was a loud wheeker, a real cry baby, always trying to dart away. Crying for every little thing. I put more of an effort with my 1st piggy (penny). Even my family said I am ignoring nickel. Well to make a long story short, I continued to give lap time to nickel, talking to her, giving her treats, etc. About 4 months later she became my favorite piggy. She is a doll, so sweet, docile and just a joy. Today, 10 months later I love them both the same. They are both wonderful piggies. I am very lucky. So maybe you just haven't given her enough time or enough attention. Don't give up.
If you separated them before she had the pups then she wouldn't be pregnant again, however, if you didn't separate before she had the pups then she may have been backbred. It's weird though that Cinnamon wasn't neutered completely. Makes me wonder at the vet's competence to neuter.
Well, he was neutered at the humane society. The vet said that either they one side, or they did both but did not remove enough of one. I am neuter-ignorant. My luck will be that Coco was backbred after having the babies. I will definately keep her though. The rescue I got her from confirmed they will take the babies at the end of the month. I was thinking of having Coco spayed. How long after having the babies should I wait before I could do it? I saw that I needed to wait 3 weeks to separate them from her.
Sorry I forgot to mention that the vet did say that Cinnamon was in excellent health :)
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