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Cleaning C&C Cage


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 23, 2004
I have another question. For those of you who use bedding in your C&C cage, how do you change it? I can just see myself trying to get a 2X4 cage down the stairs to dump it!

get a hand dust pan and brush you can get at the dollar store. Get one large garbage bag and scoop the bedding up. After you scoop all the beddings up use the vac attatchment to suck up the small loose bedding. Use white vinegar and water mix to clean the coroplast. To be honest with you fleece is so much easier. Just get a litter pan for bedding so they can use for potty. Put some of their soiled bedding in the pan so they can learn to use it. It only took 2 days for them to get it. They still poop and pee abit on the fleece. You can use the brush and dust pan to sweep their poos up.Good luck
This link shows cleaning their cage and I clean mine the same way when I used bedding on all levels and still doe this for my top level 2X4. My main level 4X5 I use a lot of newspaper covered by fleece...I roll the fleece up, go out back, shake and replace on day 1...day 2 I wash the fleece and put it back and I replace newspaper everyday. Its pretty easy since I let them out for floor time every day anyway.

(broken link removed)
dhardawa said:
I have another question. For those of you who use bedding in your C&C cage, how do you change it? I can just see myself trying to get a 2X4 cage down the stairs to dump it!

That is another thing that I will be picking up some time soon.
When I used loose bedding, I would put newspaper underneath. I just rolled the newspaper up with the bedding in it, then put it in a bin liner
I take it down the stairs. Not exactly an easy feat but it can be done! Then I take it outside, roll up the newspaper (with bedding on top) & dump it into our recycling bin or wheelbarrow (when my mom wants bedding for the garden.)
dhardawa said:
I have another question. For those of you who use bedding in your C&C cage, how do you change it? I can just see myself trying to get a 2X4 cage down the stairs to dump it!

Build a Coroplast insert that you can lift out and dump in a large trash bag. Thats what I do for both my cages. It's so much easier. I have a 2x3 upstairs and a 2x3 downstairs. Believe me, cleaning cages is no longer a headache.
cornhill said:
Build a Coroplast insert that you can lift out and dump in a large trash bag. Thats what I do for both my cages. It's so much easier. I have a 2x3 upstairs and a 2x3 downstairs. Believe me, cleaning cages is no longer a headache.
How do you dump something that big? Doesn't it dump all over the floor too?

I hear ya Dana. I cant have news paper showing cause all my piggiers just love newspapers and they chew it up.
AngelsCavies said:
I hear ya Dana. I cant have news paper showing cause all my piggiers just love newspapers and they chew it up.
is it ok if they eat some of the newspaper or is it bad for them? I use two layers of newspaper and then a mixture of Yesterdays News and Aspine shavings - i only got my little munchkins yesterday so i'm not sure - how ofter should i clean the whole thing out? is once a week ok? and is spot cleaning just when yo pick out the main areas that have poo or what?
I clean my cage two or three times a week. I suppose it all depends on how many pigs you have. if you have more then one, i would deffinately clean it 2 times a week or more. I don't like the smell of a dirty cage and i wouldn't think my pigs would higly enjoy it either, plus, it always looks nice!
cornhill said:
Build a Coroplast insert that you can lift out and dump in a large trash bag. Thats what I do for both my cages. It's so much easier. I have a 2x3 upstairs and a 2x3 downstairs. Believe me, cleaning cages is no longer a headache.
Now that is a great idea!
Thats what this website is all about. Cube and Coroplast cages. surfe through it a bit more, you will find some pretty cool stuff!
I do about 2-3 spot cleans a day, sometimes more if needed. FOr a full change, I just scoop out all of the bedding with a large scooper. I then take out the choroplast cubes and disinfect them in the backyard. Retape everything up and throw on the new bedding.
dhardawa said:
How do you dump something that big? Doesn't it dump all over the floor too?

I use 55 gal trash bags and just slip the whole insert in and dump it. I admit, the 2x3 cage in the office is bigger, but it will still work, but upstairs in my 2x3 cage, I made 2- inserts that fit in there and I can dump one at a time in the same bag. Thats just the way I do it. Some other people may have an easier way. And no, it dosen't get on my floor. Good luck.
how do some of you clean the bottom of the cage with shavings if you have an upper deck?. Isnt the upper deck in the way?
pennick said:
how do some of you clean the bottom of the cage with shavings if you have an upper deck?. Isnt the upper deck in the way?
Well my ramp leading up stairs is on twist ties so I just flip the ramp up and pull the choroplast cube out.
My upper deck just lifts off :)
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