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General Clean the cage


Cavy Slave
Feb 4, 2012
I'm Emma, an italian girl. Here I'm new
I have got two guinea pigs.
I have got a small cage almost 1x1.5 metres
I would get a bigger cage, a C&C cage, but I have nowhere to place it.
So, I have got a question, How do I clean C&C cage?
I am looking some photos, into the cages on the coroplast there are blenkets and fabrics,
Then I thought:
Where are their needs guinea pigs? Top of the covers? If so how do to clean them, ok I know there's a washing machine, but every time when the change?
They are used to relieve themselves in a place, so as not to mess around?
Or people who have the litter in the cage, it is easy to clean the coroplast? How do you clean?
With which frequency? And what do small daily cleaning of the cage?

How could I do to buy or build a cage C & C, which are in Italy?
The ship also all 'abroad?

Thank you very much:)
I use fleece in my c&c. I wash it every 3 days, and put new fleece in. I wash it in my machine by itself (no clothes etc). Then I use warm water and wipe the coroplast. My piggie does pee in one corner only, I got lucky. You can train them, it's just very difficult. They tend to go wherever they want, or pick a corner on their own. In the one corner she pees in, I lay a small square of newspaper so that I can pick it up 2x a day. Makes it easier because she poos so much.
Thank you very much Crystalkate :)
Actually, if your cage is almost 1x1.5 meters, then it is plenty big enough. According to the chart on the homepage, two guinea pigs only need .7 square meters, but ideally 1 square meter. Your cage is almost 1.5 square meters. If you like your cage, then you really have no reason to change it.
Oh and I forgot...you can find the supplies to build a c&c at several home good stores. They are grids...I will give you a link from Bed Bath and Beyond as an example of what could be used to make a cage.
(broken link removed)
I have a plastic box with bedding in the corner. This is where the hayrack and food is kept. The pigs go to the bathroom in the box. Any poops that end up on the fleece, I sweep up twice a day. I wash the fleece once a week along with the pads.
where they make their needs in the cage?:)
Emma, if you're asking where they pee and poop, it's usually everywhere. More of it will be in the corners or in a hidden area, and most of it will be under their hay racks. But you can't train a guinea pig to do its business in any particular place.
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