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Cavy Slave
Jan 1, 2005
Our brand new piggie hasn't touched any of the chewing things I've offered - you know, the wood to gnaw on. He is eating plenty of hay and fresh food and not so much of the pellets. Is the hay intake enough to keep his teeth healthy? If not, what else can I give him to chew on that he might like better than the "toy" wood chews?
Pine cones? My pigs love pinecones. If you get wooden houses or fiddlesticks they chew on those also.
Yes, my boys love chewing on the fiddlesticks. If they're brand new they're still probably very frigthened.
My guinea pigs never chew on anything, until i gave them a card board house, now i constantly hear them chewing it all night long
Thanks, folks. Little Guy (named by my kids) seems pretty mellow even though we've had him less than a week. He's eating well and doesn't act frightened. We've been careful to respect him during this transitional time. Are fiddlesticks those colored wooden chew thingies, or are they something else?
fiddle sticks .. (broken link removed)
The main way their front teeth get worn down is by the opposing action as they grind food with their back teeth. So hay is the best thing for them as it keeps their jaws moving, and I wouldn't worry too much if they're not bothered about chewing much else!
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