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Chewing on Cloroplast


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jun 18, 2004
While I was cleaning the cage today, I caught Pumpkin chewing on the cloroplast! I went over to the spot to inspect and there were all these teeth marks in the side! I hadn't noticed it untill today! Is this okay? I don't think she is actually eating it.....
A bit of a nibble here and there is normal, and it shouldn't hurt. If it's more than just a few tastes, you can get plastic report spines.
OK thanks! Ummmm.... What are plastic report spines and how would they help? Thanks!
They are the things you slip over a paper packet on the side to keep them together. They are at office supply stores. They slip over the coroplast edges.
mncavylover said:
They are the things you slip over a paper packet on the side to keep them together. They are at office supply stores. They slip over the coroplast edges.
Oh, OK. Thanks!
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