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Cheapest, Quality Bedding?


Cavy Slave
Jul 29, 2005
I know there's been a lot of threads about different bedding types, but I couldn't find anything specifically on costs-quality issues. I'm trying to figure out the most cost-effective bedding that's still safe and comfy for my guinea pigs. I don't have easy access to a washer/dryer, so fleece or pads would be too hard to deal with.

Right now I'm using Carefresh, I can get a 50L bag for $12. I really like the softness for sensitive piggy feet, but some people have complained about dustiness, as well as price. A lot of people insist that pine is fine as long as it's kiln-dried, but it still seems pretty dusty to me. I really don't want something that would be hard on my pigs' respiratory systems (or feet).

I've had a hard time comparing bedding prices without actually trying them since the volume of different beddings needed and the time they last are all different, not to mention not all beddings are safe and/or comfortable for cavies. It's especially hard to compare prices of pellet-type beddings with more fluffy beddings. Just thought there might be people out there who've figured this type of thing out by trial and error. Thanks for any advice!
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Before I switched to fleece I used pine shavings. I paid about $5 for a cubic yard of the stuff...pretty cheap. The only drawback is it has to air out before you use it. I was able to do this in my shed by taking the pine out of the plastic bag it came in and into open cardboard boxes. and fluffing it everytime I passed it to make sure air got at it to destroy the aromatic oils.
Was it kiln-dried? Doesn't kiln-drying destroy the aromatic oils? How was it in terms of dustiness?
Has anyone used hartz white softwood bedding? While I don't like supporting hartz it seems to be the only wood bedding Chris isn't allergic to. It's definitely not pine or cedar and has practically no smell. It also absorbs nearly as well as pine and better than aspen for less cost than aspen. Carefresh absorbed urine very poorly, was dusty, and way too expensive especially for how badly it performed. Even kiln dried pine still has quite an aroma if your allergic. Chris is even allergic to pine pellets which are extremely heated and compressed to supposedly contain no oils. Mixing carefresh with wood pellets was a good way to cut cost and increase absorbtion but neither are the cheapest bedding option.
I don't like hartz.

I got a huge bag (2 cubic feet) for like $2 at Wal-Mart. It works really well. The brand is PetsPick.
Are the PetsPick shavings pine? If so, do you know whether or not they're kiln-dried?
Yes, they are pine. And yep, it's kiln dried. And it is dust free.
Do you have to air it out before you use it, or does the kiln-drying seem to destroy the aromatic oils?
Kiln dried pine is considered safe by most but it does not remove the oils 100%. Proof would be in the allergies and respiratory problems some people and animals still have with it. I can't put kiri on kiln dried pine or aspen. Her eyes and nose get crusty and she just sits around miserable.
I don't have easy access to a washer/dryer, so fleece or pads would be too hard to deal with.
I don't have easy access to a washer/dryer either. I have to go to the laundromat to do laundry but I still use fleece. I have several changes of fleece and I go to the laundromat every 2 weeks. I have a designated piggie laundry basket that I throw the dirty fleece and mattress pads into. I save money in the long run because it only costs me $10 or under a month to do the piggie laundry. I change the fleece in the cages out every 4-6 days.

If I bought shavings, I would spend a lot more a month than $10. I have one cage that the main level is 3x4 with 2 more levels of lofts and one single level 2x3 cage.
I've had that Petspick pine before, it was very strong smelling and dusty!!

When I was using Carefresh/Critter Care, I used to spend up to $15 a week!! I'd change the cages and it would be all wet in an hour anyway. Fleece is much cheaper.
If I spot clean carefresh thoroughly every day, time between complete cage changes can go at least a week. But it does get expensive, especially for a large cage. It sounds like fleece is a bit higher maintenance, since you can't spot-clean urine and therefore have to change it more often. But the cheapness, softness, and lack of dust are definite advantages. I'll have to experiment with that.
DELETED POST. Bad info. Please don't post care info when you don't know.
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Cedar is never safe. Even aired out. Cedar wood should never be anywhere near animals. The oils can last for years that's why they make cedar chests. The smell never goes away. Non kiln dried pine aired out for quite awhile in the sun will be about equal to kiln dried but still your better off just buying kiln dried. Pine is cheaper than cedar anyway so there is absolutely no reason to use cedar.
I use Aspen, no oils, no airing out, its great. I spend $18.00 on the largest bag, I think its 5,000 cubic ft. It lasts me for 3 cleanouts for a 2x4 cage. I change the cage every 2 weeks.
5,000 cubic ft.? That would be quite a lot of aspen, Pennick! lol But definitely a good deal!
It's really not as much as it sounds like. I have a 2 x 4 and a 2 x 5 and go through almost 2 bags a week. I know that no one here likes petsmart but it is cheaper there and often you can get free shipping which saves and incredible amount of money. (My UPS guy has to hate me because I order at least 6 bags at a time!)
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