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cheap bedding suggestions

I just bought a HUGE bag of Carefresh (the largest the pet store had)....it's 50 liters......for $17.99. I have a feeling it will last at least a month. But I live in Alabama and the cost of living is cheaper here than in a lot of other states.

I did see something while I was there thought that I wanted to ask about. It was wood shavings, but not cedar, pine, or aspen....Chlorophyll or something like that. It was golden brown and green. Anybody anything about this particular type of bedding?
Usually it's pine, and the green coloring is for our benefit. It certainly doesn't help the pigs at all, and I don't think it would be good if they ate it. It's more expensive than aspen, too, usually. CareFresh 50L used alone (not with the aspen that I put on the bottom) would let me cover the bottom level of may cage, and would leave the top empty. I need 1 1/3 bags for a full change, or I used to. It's much more expensive than the combo I use now: thick bottom layer of safe aspen, then a top coating of Carefresh to seal in the "dusties" (I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, and the dust seems to get to me). Carefresh is the best though! =)
drakonae said:
I just bought a HUGE bag of Carefresh (the largest the pet store had)....it's 50 liters......for $17.99. I have a feeling it will last at least a month. But I live in Alabama and the cost of living is cheaper here than in a lot of other states.

I did see something while I was there thought that I wanted to ask about. It was wood shavings, but not cedar, pine, or aspen....Chlorophyll or something like that. It was golden brown and green. Anybody anything about this particular type of bedding?

Try going to a feed store things are cheaper there a 50L bag of carefresh at a feedstore in my state is only $13.99. And aspen is 10.99 for 2 cubic feet.
Thanks! Aspen isn't the problem, it's the CareFresh. I'd go through 1 and 1/3 bags every change! That adds up quickly. I'm going to try another store that just sells food and bedding next time I need some. =)
thank you both for your replies. You have both been helpful....again.
How about using newspaper and papertowles, or just papertowles?
You'd have to have a lot of paper towels, and I think you'd have to change it more than once a week. Probably two or three times. Thanks for the suggestion, though! =)
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