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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 23, 2005
I've been looking for a place to find such help, but I haven't seen one yet...

When I got my girls, the woman I got them from said that she could board them for us when we are out of town. Unfortunately, that hasn't worked because I can't reach her; I left a message but never heard back. Now, for the past three nights there is no answer and no more message service.

We're going on vacation soon, but I don't know of anyone around here that I would trust with my girls.

Does anyone have a home that my pigs could "visit" with good care while we're away from home? I have a boarding facility lined up for my cat and two rabbits. I just don't know about adding on the pigs, though, as I'm not sure she'd take care of them with veggies, treats, lap time, ect.

We're in central Illinois, and we can travel up to two or so hours for the right situation. Can anyone help? We will also be away for nearly two weeks during this summer. Thank you!
Where do you live?
Central Illinois, Bloomington; I say central because we're willing to travel to find the right situation. I want to make sure whoever takes care of them while we're on the road is taking care of them as you all do on this site; the veggies, laptime, exercise, and lots of attention.

This is just a sitting/boarding situation. I hope no one gets the impression I want to re-home them; my children would never forgive me! and I would never forgive myself...

At least today I got through to the person I'd made previous arrangements with. I hope she can watch them for us, but since I had to leave a message again I'll keep hoping I can find an alternate "pig sitter" in my area. I also would love to meet other cavy enthusiasts in my area. Thanks!
ps- if we had no alternative but to take them on the road with us, does anyone have any advice? Or, is this simply not possible without stressing them overly much? We're going from Illinois to Texas for a week-long vacation.

I know having them remain here would be the best (if I could find someone experienced with cavy care- I don't want to try a "newbie"), is boarding is ok if you can find the right place, or is having them with us even an alternative? Has anyone ever kept their piggies at a kennel? I already have arrangements for my cat and two rabbits...

To everyone here on this site; thank you. For everything. I never thought I would have so much fun on a website or learn so much about cavies in such a short time. Now, if my family can all get over the cold/bronchitis/pneumonia we've all had the past week that has been keeping us from handling the girls, everyone will be happier campers. It's been frustrating to say the least. Should we do any preventative medicine (extra vit C is already done) to help prevent them catching it?
miskaffon said:
I've been looking for a place to find such help, but I haven't seen one yet...

When I got my girls, the woman I got them from said that she could board them for us when we are out of town. Unfortunately, that hasn't worked because I can't reach her; I left a message but never heard back. Now, for the past three nights there is no answer and no more message service.

We're going on vacation soon, but I don't know of anyone around here that I would trust with my girls.

Does anyone have a home that my pigs could "visit" with good care while we're away from home? I have a boarding facility lined up for my cat and two rabbits. I just don't know about adding on the pigs, though, as I'm not sure she'd take care of them with veggies, treats, lap time, ect.

We're in central Illinois, and we can travel up to two or so hours for the right situation. Can anyone help? We will also be away for nearly two weeks during this summer. Thank you!
[font=&quot]referring to this: I have a boarding facility lined up for my cat and two rabbits. I might be wrong but if the person knows about rabbits and is going to give them veggies, lap/running time, treats etc. each day couldn’t she do the same for the piggies? Because I think their veggies needs and lap/running time if relatively similar. I could be wrong and this person knows a lot about rabbits but has not a clue about guinea pigs.....just wondering.[/font]
Good point; I can check. The person who was going to take care of the girls wanted just $1 per day per pen of cavies, but wanted to keep the rabbits outside in cages.

The boarding facility wants $7.50 per animal per day no matter if they are in a cage or not. So, it is the difference between having them at an exclusively cavy person's facility and paying about $20 total to take care of them since we'll have them there for about 20 days, verses $202.50 for the nine days they'd be at the boarding facility.

I have to admit, I doubt the rabbits will be getting any attention at the boarding facility; not that I want that but for a little while I think they'll be ok. I don't feel (just my opinion) that they demand the quantity and quality of attention that cavies do. Mine don't- they seem to be happiest when I leave them alone (these guys are not social, trust me I wish they were). Plus, Chris is very sensitive to feeds, and if you give her veggies or hay she will get extremely ill. She has to be on pellets, exclusively.

While I can afford care of all my animals, it seems a bit of a waste to spend over $200 on care that would be as good as the person who raised them (yes, the woman is the breeder I purchased them from) who just wants $20 for twice the amount of time. I have to trust that she'll give them the personal care they need. If I get to her place and feel that she wouldn't, for any reason, then we'll take them home with us and find another way to have them cared for.
That is, of course, if I can get in touch with the lady in the first place. I'm still hoping that's possible...

I don't want to let the boarding facility take care of them. I'm reluctant enough about having them watch the rabbits. :( It seems to be a nice place, but I don't know for sure the extent of their "exotic" experience. Rabbits are pretty forgiving of small mistakes in feed, ect. Cavies don't seem to be; to me there is a big difference between the care that needs to be given them. Rabbits are extremely sensitive to hay and greens- mine have never done well having salads, ect. (they get really runny and lose weight)
Ok, I was just wondering because my two rabbits are very social and come out for a couple hours each ever day and they get salads every day, but if your rabbits are not used to that and are not very social it will be fine.
Yeah, I tried to be social and give Chris and George (bunnies) treats. They got runny noses from stress (although I am very gentle! and have handled rabbits since I was 9- now 32) and runny in another area from the treats....ewww. I give them attention, gentle handling, and keep their cages in good shape, but try to respect that they don't really like being handled too much; it's more for me than them. :( It's hard for me because I am used to rabbits LIKING attention.
This has officially turned into an emergency... I still cannot reach the person whom I made arrangements with for taking care of the girls. AND, there are NO boarding options in the town that I can find. Pet sitters are all booked solid, as are vets offices, and other boarding facilities.

I waited too long on faith that the original arrangements would work. It looks that I've come to a choice between taking the girls on our trip and abandoning them here (don't worry second option would NEVER even be considered).

They're on an antibiotic and "gut bug" replacement as mentioned by many on this board- the vet that I took them to said they were not showing much sign of UTI but that the sneezing I've noted justifies giving them medicine for two weeks. So, I really don't want to leave them in the care of non-animal neighbors even if I could find any willing/able to try.

It looks as though taking them on this trip is unavoidable. Can anyone give some advice on what steps we can take to help alleviate some, if not all, of the stress on them? Thank you for any help you can offer us...
I would help you, but I like in Vermont. That far away. Sorry.
Thanks for the thought ;)

I just hope something works out before we have to take them on the road. If we hadn't paid quite a bit of money for the rental on the condo we're traveling to, I'd be ok. We've planned this trip for over a year; long before the girls were even born. It's so frustrating that the arrangements I thought were made didn't work out!

I could, however, open up my cry for help to the Tyler/Dallas Texas area, as that is where we're headed...if anyone lives anywhere along the route from central Illinois to the Texas area and are willing to help, would you mind contacting me?

"I just hope something works out before we have to take them on the road. If we hadn't paid quite a bit of money for the rental on the condo we're traveling to, I'd be ok.."

Translating my own ramblings...if we hadn't invested so much in the condo rental, I think we'd just stay home. Unfortunately, if we cancel the condo, they'll charge us a penalty of the entire week's rental (retail about $2,500) so that's out of the question.
I'm in St.Louis, Missouri. If you'd like, my mother can probably meet up with you and I could cavy-sit them. Are you still looking for someone? Just PM me with details if you are still looking (sorry, I can't read all of the posts because I'm in school right now). I hope you find a solution.
How far away is St.Louis from where you live? We're right next to Illinois... So maybe 1-2 hours away? My mom would probably (or my father) willing to drive about 30 minutes to an hour to meet up with you.
Like I said before, if you are still looking for a cavy sitter, we can talk and probably arrange something.
I can take care of the rabbits too, if you need it. I can give them the exact care they need, ect... I'm home from school at about 2:45pm and I go to bed around 11:00pm. I wake up at 6:00 and board the bus at 6:40, but if they need any special care in the morning I could walk to school at 7, or wake up earlier. PM if you are still looking.
RubyPiggie2: I do not have AOL, which appears to be the only IM method on this board. Anyone; are there other alternate ways to send private messages?

To everyone; thank you for all your help. We found a saint at our local humane society and a friend who have both had cavies for a long time to watch our girls for us.

Thank you both, if you're reading....:) A huge cavy hug to you!

They don't have to make the trip with us, whew!
There is private messanging, which is infact on this board. If you go up to the top, it says Private messages.
That's great that you found someone!
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