First of all I want to state that these charts are in no way related to the ones at guinealynx. Every bit of data in these charts I compiled by hand using mainly the USDA website and some internet searches. I did not use nor take any of the info from gl but much of the info should be very consistent with the info on gl.
Jabberwock- at the time I did these (finished in late June of 2005), I had found no info about oxalic acid content in chard. The veggies/fruits are in the categories they are in due to
all factors combined. I took into account how much of all given things were in each veggie/fruit when categorizing them for how often to feed. Beet greens contain more sugar and over twice the amount of calcium compared to chard. Just those two factors alone without the oxalic acid content makes chard able to be fed a bit more often than beet greens. Oxalic acid content does increase with age of the plant, so if you are feeding very young leaves a couple times a week, I don't see a problem with that. The reason I listed pumpkin separately from winter squash is becuase people have asked many questions regarding pumpkin itself. At the USDA site, they listed (at the time I did the charts) Winter squash, all varieties and summer squash, all varieties. I don't even know the names of all the types but they have just taken them all and kinda did an estimate I think.
Slave to the Wheek- Beets and Snap peas/Sugar peas are on the list. Look under "other veggies". Peas are under "Peas, edible-podded". If you look at the pdf, wheatgrass is on there. It's hard to find some info on things like banana peel and carrot tops. As for herbs, I used the ones most commonly fed. This list pretty much is just the very most commonly used fruits and veggies. I never even thought about packaged spring mixes or baby lettuces when making the charts.
Jennicat- Yes it's ok to link to it on other communities but please make sure they know my copyright info. All factors, sugar content included were taken into consideration when formulating how often to feed.
Buffy- Thanks for the suggestions. The pages that T and I have been working on for the site do have lighter colors and you will be able to sort the data out inlcuding sorting by group colors. You will just have to wait for the other version for that. I did the color scheme I did because I wanted the charts to really stand out. In the future it may be translated into other languages.
What I want all to understand is that this project has been and still is my baby. I worked many, many long hours gathering data and putting it in, calculating what was in what and how often to feed and calculated the Ca
h ratios myself.
The future version will be so much better and contain a bit more information, I may include more safe veggies as well. It will also contain photos of every veggie listed. As I mentioned earlier it will be completely sortable for every category and the original version contains more categories (I took 3 columns out for this version).