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Cavy Mumma for the first time! :-)


New Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 12, 2011
Hey guys! I'am a new arrival and have also recently become a cavy mumma for the first time :) I have 2 baby females both 7 weeks old, they are just too cute! Their names are Honey and Cookie. I definitely have a new found love for Guinea Pigs! after being a dog lover :) :love:
Hi and welcome to the forum! We would love to see pictures of your piggies! We have a SLIGHT addiction when it comes to pictures:D! There is tons of great info on here and if you have questions just ask and somebody has probably has experience that can help.
Welcome to the world of piggies, Piggielover. We all love piggies here. You will find all kinds of great info to take care of your new loves.
Check out the great feeding charts in the diet/nutrition thread.
Great info and tons of pictures on how to build great c&c cages (if they are not already in one)
As Hhbean says we love pictues.
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