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Cavies at school


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 19, 2005
My son's teacher mentioned to me the other day that she was thinking about getting a guinea pig for her classroom. I tried to hold back my shocked/fear reaction because she is an awesome teacher and I don't want to insult her, but the thought of a cavy having to endure 20+ kindergarten students during the day, and no affectionate attention the rest of the time really made me cringe.

She also mentioned that I could enter my guinea pigs in the school science fair. Oh, would they hate that! They are already going through a rough time due to Shaggy annoying them (he's going through puberty big time!).

However, I was considering bringing one or two of them into my son's classroom just to educate the kids (and teacher) about guinea pigs; such as what kind of things they need like attention time, living space, food, etc. I would NOT let the kids hold my cavies, but there is one cavy that would let the kids pet him (Frank). Plus Frank would probably enjoy being away from Shaggy for awhile. :)

Anyway, I was wondering what you all think about this. It would be a short presentation, probably only 15 minutes. I would bring my pigloo, so they could hide in it. I just thought this might be a good way to help them understand just how delicate these creatures are, as well as how much responsibility goes into owning them.
personally i would bring some activity sheets, pictures and posters to educate the kids. The idea of having any cavy in a room with 20+ little kids makes me scared. Just the noise level of all those excited kids might be to stressfull for your little ones, especially if they are use to a relitively(SP?) quiet home. Not only that but accidents can happen.
I think its a great idea. The kids will love seeing a guinea pig in person and up close. There is nothing like the real thing. Educating them while kids are very young is the best way. I would definately print up care sheets to give out in case any child sways their parents to get them one. They will have all the information on hand. Most children know what hamsters are, alot of them probably don't know what guinea pigs are. And those that already have them at home will have more information on how to take care of them. I don't feel your piggy will lose sleep over this especially if you keep your meeting with the children short. Good Luck.
What a great idea about having handouts too! I didn't even think about that. What a wonderful way to distribute the CORRECT instructions on taking care of a guinea pig.

I really do want to bring 1 or 2 cavies in with me. The kids would learn so much better by seeing them in person. Like I said, I wouldn't let anyone hold them. I'm way too protective of my babies to do that to them! I have a store-bought cage that I could use to bring them in. It will keep them safe, as well as allow the kids to look at them...for a short time. I will make sure the kids are quiet, although my cavies are use to noise as they live in our family room and I have a 2 and 6 year old, and the 6 year old often has a friend over.

I know I would be very careful with them. I love them too much to let anything happen to them.
I think your idea is great, A4Pig. The kids will definitely benefit from the presentation.
That is a great idea! Years ago one of my teachers had two sows in a tiny store bought cage, no hay, no hidey house and pellets with a bunch of other crap. I really wish I had known all I know now then to help out those poor piggies. :(
I think taking two of your babies to school is fine and it is great that you are willing to teach the other children about gps, my ittle girl will be four and when my piggies are outside in there pen the children who live by come over, and my baby tells them they have to be quiet and very still cause they will scare them, so yeah educating them is great, my little one knows a ton about gps and she feeds them and gets their salads together.
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