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Behavior can't get my guinea pigs out of the cage!!


Cavy Slave
Apr 14, 2012
So, I got two guinea pigs two days ago. They are only 3 weeks old though!
Anyways, their cage is full of poop and I really want to clean it. Problem is, I can't get the guinea pigs out! I've tried doing the piggie elevator tip, but it didn't work for me. I don't want to chase them around the cage or scare them in any way. Also, if I lift my arm up they'll run away. Very VERY scared of sudden movements so I can't just reach in there and grab them. Anyone have any ideas?:eek:hmy:
Guinea pigs are prey animals, so to them you just look like a hungry lion trying to find a quick snack. To catch my pigs I simply step in the cage and catch them while they are cornered. I make sure not to chase them to much, or they would get stressed out, but this is the only way I have found to catch pigs that simply don't want to be taken out. They like having lap time once they get out of the cage, it's just the act of taking them out that they don't like. xD
If you have a fleece forest, that might help.
My boys are always easier to catch once they run into the fleece forest area.
Think they believe that are still well hidden.

Keep trying. Just remember not to squeeze them too hard and make sure to support them with both hands.

Oh, and sometimes covering them in a piece of clothe and then sneaking your hand under it up behind them is a good way.

Good luck
My boys hate getting caught. They hide, throw a fit, squeal before i even touch them. But i just get them cournered or near a wall and then i grab them quick, and get them up against my chest asap. Then they're fine as can be! I feel bad that they are scared but its like a shot. Scary till its over then just fine.
I always clean my cage around my guinea pigs. We have a little dustpan and brush to clean the poops between fleece-changes. The piggies don't mind me in their cage at all. Mine also don't like to be picked up either. :(
One of my piggies will only let me pick her up if she's IN something, her snuggle sack, her cavy cave, wrapped in a blanket - if she's not in something she runs like crazy and I can't get her but if she's in something she's calm.... Some are harder than others to catch. Good luck!!
You sometimes have to chase them around. Handling them is the ONLY way to get them used to being held. Sure, it isn't the way you would want to do it all the time-- But you WILL have to chase it all the time if you continue to be scared of picking them up at all.

I still (kinda) have to chase my Lil' Babe around. I shoo her into her Playpen which is connected to my cage, then I block of the exit, and because of the limited space in there, she gives up pretty quick and is easy to hold.

REALLY, you CAN'T be scared of the Piggies. I have held Lil' Babe every day for a month, for as little as 10 minutes at a time, and she is showing improvement. Just hang in there and keep trying!

Thank you everyone! I cleaned the cage! All I had to do was wait till they were both on one side of the cage, then block it off. They were trapped in a tiny little square and I just picked them up. Took about 5 seconds :) One more question, when you start holding the pigs and petting them will they be scared at first? I guess what I mean is, do they like being petted by a giant hand?
Thank you everyone! I cleaned the cage! All I had to do was wait till they were both on one side of the cage, then block it off. They were trapped in a tiny little square and I just picked them up. Took about 5 seconds :) One more question, when you start holding the pigs and petting them will they be scared at first? I guess what I mean is, do they like being petted by a giant hand?

Yes, they will be scared. But you can't blame them. A good trick is to get a bath towel and wrap them up in it when you hold them at first. At first, feed them lots of treats and pet them, and talk to them softly and nicely. If they are really scared, let them burrow into the towel as much as they want to. They should come around and be fine with just sitting in your lap, but they will still like the towel. Make sure you use your HANDS: Gloves are a no-no. Not feeling your natural skin and body warmth, but the rough skin of a glove won't be as secure feeling to them as your hand would.
My girls have always preferred being picked up facing me. This way they can see what is happening. When they were little they fit in my hand. Now I support their bottoms with my hands and their front legs rest on my wrists. I kneel down in their play area so I can transfer them to my lap. First I pat them to calm them and lift them up. When I try to catch them from behind I think it is too much like being chased and grabbed by a predator. I always transfer them from their regular cage to the play area in a cardboard box with a hole in one end and a flap to close it and pick them up from the play area to go back to the cage or have lap time.
Mine have loved pets and snuggles since day one but i did get them at 12wks not 3 so that might have something to do with it. With mine as long as they are being petted with four paws on me they are calm. They even get annoyed if i stop. But i'd imagine yours might be more frightened then my boys. Or maybe they'll like it more! I've found you can never tell with these guys.
I just clean while they are running around the cage, they are on a fleece.
Usually they will just stand next to me while I brush all the spots, just smelling my hand and getting in my way lol.
They use to be scared the first 2 times but they are use to it now.
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