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Eyes/Non-crusty Can cavies lose their eyesight with age?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 13, 2005
I have a 6 year old sow, and I've noticed that she has been following her nose more than she used to. It's hard to explain what she is doing, but she seems more cautious than she used to be, and often misses hay or a piece of vegetable on the first try. It looks like she is feeling/sniffing around for it. Other than that, it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. She's still acting normally, eating, drinking, and lounging around.

If it makes a difference, she has pink eyes.
I'm no expert on this. But I think they can lose their eyesight as they age, but not all of them do. But if it helps any, blind pigs can do just fine. They probably appreciate not having the furniture in their cages rearranged, but they learn to get around very well.
Thanks, that is good to know. As long as she is still happy, I'm happy.
I don't know.. Missing hay and veggies doesn't sound like it's sight related, guinea pigs use their sense of smell more than their eyes. Whiskers also tell them what objects are where, so bumping into something or missing a piece of food would be strange.
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