My parents and I have pretty much finialized what we are going to do. We are going to use 2, 3ft long, clear, tubs (sides are only 1 ft high, ventilation shouldn't be a problem) and will connect them with 2 large PVC pipes so the pigs can run through them freely. They should have plenty of space. If Ventilation is a problem, I will have my Dad cut small holes (where the pigs can't hurt themselves) in the sides for ventilation. Therefor the pigs will have plenty of room (about 10 square feet at least), ventilation, and we still have easy access to them. The pigs will be in a room where it's always air conditioned and the AC comes from the top (even more ventilation.) We have all the supplies right here at home, but dad wants to buy a bigger, second tub, so we may have to buy one tub. I thank you for all your help! I may have come off as stubborn, but it's hard when your on a budget, and none of the recommended supplies are available. If there is a problem with the cage settings we have agreed on, tell me, but I don't see anything wrong (since we have solved the ventilation problem)