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Cage Costs...


Cavy Slave
May 23, 2004
Can anyone tell me how much a 2x5 grid cage would cost me all together as I'm kind of tight on money right now.

This seems to be the cheapest choice yet convienent for both me and my future guinea pigs.

Thanks for all of your help in advance!
Inkybro said:
Can anyone tell me how much a 2x5 grid cage would cost me all together as I'm kind of tight on money right now.

This seems to be the cheapest choice yet convienent for both me and my future guinea pigs.

Thanks for all of your help in advance!
My cubes cost $15 on sale, but are normally $20. You shouldnt have to pay more then $20 on grids for a 2x5. Im not sure how much coroplast is, I got mine free. from what ive gathered its usually about $10-20 for 4x8 piece. No matter what it will still probably be cheaper then a pet store cage. Your cavies will also have much more room.

If you cant afford a cage you should probably hold off on getting any pigs for now. You could do a free range setup but you will still most likely have to spend some money. https://www.guineapigcages.com/photos/showgallery.php?cat=515&password==
Inkybro said:
I'm kind of tight on money right now.
The cost of the cage is the least of your worries. The cage is nothing compared to the cost of owning guinea pigs as I have recently found out.

Cage: $55
  • I couldn't find the cubes anywhere and ended up buying them online for $35. However since then I've seen the at Costco and Target for $15 (although they didn't seem to have as many grids so I might have needed 2 packs).
  • Coroplast - stolen from my husband (I think he paid $12)
  • Zip ties - stolen from my husband (He says he got a large pack at Cosco for $10)
  • Tape - stolen from my husband. What's it cost? <$5
  • So if you had to buy everything it would maybe cost you $40-55.
Keeping Pigs: >15/week so that's at least $930 per year for two pigs.
  • Bedding - the bigger the cage the more bedding you need. I have a 4 x 1 1/2 grind C&C cage and to line it with bedding takes 1/4 of a large (50 liter) package of Carefresh. That's at least $8 per week in bedding. This is the worst part of keeping pigs it seems.
  • Hay - 9lbs of hay is $26 at the Ferret Store. I have no idea how long this lasts as I buy it by the bale at a feed store and don't pay attention to how much I use. A bale costs $20.
  • Fresh Food - They need fresh veggies. I shop a local farmers market and spend about $4/week on these
  • Pellets - 10lbs Oxbow Cavy Cuisine is $16 at the Ferret Store. How long does this last???? Don't know
  • Adoption Fees - >$25 per pig
  • Vet bills - think about $50 for a well piggie checkup when you first get your pig. After that it all depends.
If you're tight on money, I'd rethink the whole guinea pig thing. If I'd have thought it through properly, I'm not sure I would have gotten mine. However, they're here now and I'm committed to paying for them. And they are darn cute. But if you're worried about how to pay for the cage, think again on how to pay for the care of the pigs.

The Love of the Piggies: Priceless

Will the more experienced piggie owners add anything I've forgotten. And if you know how to do it cheaper please let me know!

Thanks for your tips.

I actually have two rats which I got about two years ago. I bought the rats, used one of my old cages, and got their toys and stuff but my parents buy the bedding + food (forgot to mention I'm 14). So all I have to pay for is their cage and toys... and them of course (my friend sells them for $8 and has the CUTEST little pigs in the world).

So, thanks again either way if I pay for their food + bedding or not you've given me great info! Thank you!
Just make sure you remember that this is a long term commitment! I'm not trying to accuse you of going through a phase that you'll grow out of as you go through high school, but I know when I was 14 and going on my freshman year of highschool, my life got a little busier with friends and school activities...just make sure you don't start neglecting the piggies as you get older!!!
I could never neglect a pet... ever. Sometimes I get bored of my pets for a while (a few days) but they're always sure to have clean cages, fresh food and good water. :) My rats I hold as much as I can but yes, I have been busier lately. I'm sure they still get all the attention they need though.

If I do get guinea pigs luckily theire cage will be nice and open in the middle of the floor somewhere so that they'll get plenty of attention as I walk by them :D
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