Hi all!
Like many of you know, I now have a big family of four. The babies are almost at the three week mark. The boy needs to be separated from his mother. I still have the father of the babies and planed on extanding the cage and then spliting it into two parts with a see through wall. My question is this, I have already had "play time" with the two males, they seem alright. The older one chases the younger one around and bumble butts around him. The younger one doesnt know what is going on, he just runs and tries to be all friendly. Should I just contuine giving them time together before the big move? Will they get along? Are the statistics good for two males living together? They will only live together tilll the youngest is old enough to be nutered. ok thanks
Pepe, wheezy, jaronimo, sweet pea
Like many of you know, I now have a big family of four. The babies are almost at the three week mark. The boy needs to be separated from his mother. I still have the father of the babies and planed on extanding the cage and then spliting it into two parts with a see through wall. My question is this, I have already had "play time" with the two males, they seem alright. The older one chases the younger one around and bumble butts around him. The younger one doesnt know what is going on, he just runs and tries to be all friendly. Should I just contuine giving them time together before the big move? Will they get along? Are the statistics good for two males living together? They will only live together tilll the youngest is old enough to be nutered. ok thanks
Pepe, wheezy, jaronimo, sweet pea