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But seriously....

Cavy Tamer

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 20, 2005
How long will it take to tame thse guinea pigs of mine? It's been over a month now.

Do guinea pigs just not like some people? I know of some dogs that don't like tall people.... I'm kinda tall....

I have received very little positive affirmation from them that they actually enjoy being pet or handled in general. They usually give me annoyed sounds, chatter their teeth at me, or try to run away. I check for lice; none. I've had one for 5 weeks and one for 4 weeks, and I've handled them for plenty of time each day. I built a nice big cage for them to run around in. Well, there is ONE time they seem to kinda like me... that is when I am bringing fresh hay or fresh veggies. So I know they're not simply scared of me.

But maybe they were very mishandled at the petstore? How to get a guinea pig to trust humans?

Should it be the case that they only like me when I have treats for them? What about when the house is burning down and I'm all out of veggies? How can I convince them at that point that I'm actually on their side?

I've had Atticus for five months and he still is extremely skittish. I just take it day by day, all the pigs I adopted were already pretty tame. I got Atticus from a pet-atore, I think that's part of the reason, pet store workers don't take them out and play with them, They've never been around people that actually care about them before. Go slow and don't expect much, before you know it they will be cuddling up to you when you get them out.
My pigs adore running around their cage, getting fresh veggies, and exploring during floortime. They are ok to hang out on me for laptime but I am sure they wouldn't miss it if I didn't ever hold them. That's more for me than for them. My enjoyment comes from listening to their wonderful sounds and watching their amusing antics.
Yeah... For some reason I thought they'd be more tameable than they are. I kind of wanted a pet I can interact with...
Even my tamest pig will tolerate being held, but it's quite obvious he's just there for the veggies. They all run and teeth chatter when go to pick them up. One of my other pigs makes horrible squealing sounds like I'm going to eat him whenever I pick him up.

But having said that, they all wheek for their veggies and run to the side of the cage whenever I come into the room. They like to stand on their back legs and beg against the side of the cage. I say 'hey poopers' and they come running, that's the kind of interaction I get. But don't lose hope, I know of many pigs who like cuddling, maybe just not mine. ;)
Cavy Tamer said:
How long will it take to tame thse guinea pigs of mine? It's been over a month now.


Guinea pigs may have been the wrong choice for you. They are more for the watcher than the interacting person. Most will always be skittish and give the impression of "leave me alone". They are for the person who justs enjoys watching them, feeding them and listening to them. My piggies do enjoy me coming over to their cage and petting them. They hate being captured. They enjoy lap time. Thats enough for me. It took almost 3 months for one piggy of mine to enjoy lap time and let me pet her in the cage. I always interact with them outside the cage one at a time. Good Luck.
pennick said:
Guinea pigs may have been the wrong choice for you. They are more for the watcher than the interacting person. Most will always be skittish and give the impression of "leave me alone". They are for the person who justs enjoys watching them, feeding them and listening to them. My piggies do enjoy me coming over to their cage and petting them. They hate being captured. They enjoy lap time. Thats enough for me. It took almost 3 months for one piggy of mine to enjoy lap time and let me pet her in the cage. I always interact with them outside the cage one at a time. Good Luck.

Did you edit your post to make it more polite? :) That's OK.... I needed to hear the truth. At least now I know to lower my expectations. What's done is done... Don't worry, I'll still take good care of them. And... it IS fun to watch them play and jump around in their hay.
Actually, you can interact with them, just not the way you can with a dog. I think of them having the personality of a cat. You have to play with them on their terms.

I sit on the floor next to the cage in the evening to pet and talk to them. Sometimes they will run away and sometimes they will stretch out and enjoy.

I also have 2 rather young ones of which 1 can be rather hyper. She will run laps around her cage and now has started flipping her pigloo. I was in the livingroom and from where I was sitting I could see their cage. Well, before I knew it the pigloo was on it's end sticking up in the air. So, you can imagine how much laughing I do with that little pig. She will even come to the side of the cage, stand up and start complaining - it's usually because she is looking for something to eat - which is most of the time.
I always try to be polite. I have a habit of typing very fast and hitting that reply button before reading it over. Some spelling corrections usually is the reason. I don't want to get reprimanded for mistakes. I had many animals through the years. Some were mistakes also. Sometimes you just don't know what you are getting involved with. It happens. I just grew some wheatgrass for them and placed it in their cage. They love it and I just enjoy watching them loving it. Sometimes thats enough for some people. Anyway I like it when I can intereact with pets on my time, not theirs. Keep up your involvement. Some posters here say that their piggies crawl all over them or nestle under their chins. Mine don't and that makes me jealous, but hey, they don't bite me either like many posters have complained about their piggies and mine get along with each other so, I'm lucky in many respects.
Yeah, I might get a rabbit as well. I have friends who have them, and it seems exactly like the pet I had in mind. The trouble is, I'm a college student, and I don't know if taking on 2 guinea pigs and a rabbit is way too much work. I suppose I should have just gotten the rabbit to begin with. But lesson learned...... and the guinea pigs are now "part" of the family... as much as they can be. The way I figure it, since the guinea pigs don't really love the attention, they wouldn't mind so much if I took on another pet. What do you think? Is that a flawed assumption?
Yes to be honest that is a flawed assumption. You are going to be very very sorry. A rabbit can be just as uninteresting to you as a guinea pig is. Then you will be stuck with guinea pigs and a rabbit. What is next? A rabbit much the same care as a piggy. This will be double work for you. Rabbits can be just as aloof as piggies are. You can be trading one problem for another. I would have understood if you said a cat. A cat you can interact with. But I would definately say no to a rabbit. Thats my honest opinion. You see, I just edited this again cause I wanted to add............I know from experience how impulsive people can be. That use to be me when I was younger. Think long and hard before you do something you may regret. Give it a week or two before you make up your mind. That would be the mature thing to do. Enough said......Good Luck.
Personally, I think a rabbit is much harder to take care of. They need an awful lot of room since they need to burn up their energy. They are also known to bite and can be a little tempermental. My sister had 2 - they liked to run around her house, but they chewed legs of end tables and electrical wires. She did bunny proof everything, but they somehow got behind her refrigerator and practically chewed to plug off. Also, remember rabbits can end up growing to be the size of at least 3 to 4 guinea pigs and they smell more.

I haven't had one since I was a young child, but I have friends who have them.

I live in an apartment and couldn't have a dog or a cat. First, I got fish - I now have 4 tanks, but you can't hold or talk to them. Then I thought about getting a hamster, but they sleep most of the time. I remembered the guinea pig I had when I was a child - he was very social, so I decided I would to in that direction. I did end up with hamsters also - so I now have 6 guinea pigs and 14 hamsters - 3 different types.

Depending on the personality of your guinea pigs you can get them to interact with you - it just takes time and patience. A strick schedule is the main element with lots of food bribing.
That's sort of funny to me. We are the exact opposite - we got the bunny first, then the piggies. We have a Mini Rex, very cute, softest fur you'll ever feel. But he hates being handled. He doesn't mind petting, but can't stand to be held. So, like you with your pigs, we just make sure he's fed well, we pet him, give him toys to play with, and just basically make sure he's ok. Our gp's on the other hand love attention. They of course don't like to be picked up, but they love being held and pet (and fed). So I guess the moral is you can't make any assumptions with these animals. They are as individual as people and have their own, very distinct personalities. Just my two cents' worth.
Well, I've been thinking about the rabbit now for a while.... But yeah, I wouldn't get it for another while anyway. My friends' experiences with bunnies have been really really good. Perhaps it depends on their breed, or breeding, and how old they are when you get them? I would get a cat.... but am allergic.... sigh. So far i've been fine with the guinea pigs..... but actually, I've been noticing a slight allergy starting to form. Maybe even a skin rash.... sigh. I was told by the guy at the shelter that I should be fine with rabbits, because they have a different protein.

What pets have you had? Which were good? Which weren't? I'm simply looking for a companion pet...
You have to be careful with rabbits and their fur. My sister had one whose fur was angora type and she lived on allergy pills. Yet, she has cats and doesn't have a problem.

I have had 4 of my guinea pigs for around a year. I still have trouble holding 1 of them, so I don't force her. She likes to be petted and will let me kiss her on the nose. She is probably the happiest of all my pigs - she is constantly popcorning around the cage and has the sweetest disposition.

Each guinea pig is different - I definitely know from experience having 6. Again - just give your 2 some time - they may surprise you as time goes on.
Cavy Tamer said:
Well, I've been thinking about the rabbit now for a while.... But yeah, I wouldn't get it for another while anyway. My friend's experiences with bunnies have been really really good. Perhaps it depends on their breed, or breeding, and how old they are when you get them? I would get a cat.... but am allergic.... sigh. So far i've been fine with the guinea pigs..... but actually, I've been noticing a slight allergy starting to form. Maybe even a skin rash.... sigh. I was told by the guy at the shelter that I should be fine with rabbits, because they have a different protein.

What pets have you had? Which were good? Which weren't? I'm simply looking for a companion pet...

I have had them all. I am allergic to cats which I have had anyway, I am also allergic to piggies which I have now and I am allergic to rabbits (make sure you are not) which I have never had. What about a bird. I have many birds and they make a great companion. If you get a baby bird and train them you can have a great time with a bird. They will sit on your shoulder or you can place them near you on a perch. They are loads of fun to watch. They will eat out of your hand. They will talk to you and greet you. I think you would enjoy a bird if you took the time to train it well. Forget the rabbit.
Are you sure about the rabbit? My friends' rabbits come up them and hop on their laps and really like being pet, and they like to play too....

The best interactive small pets by far are rats. After you gain their trust, most rats will actually run to the front of the cage to be picked up. They'll climb on you and just have a good time.

The only drawback is that rats have shorter lifespans, generally about 2-3 years.
Cavy Tamer said:
Are you sure about the rabbit? My friends' rabbits come up them and hop on their laps and really like being pet, and they like to play too....


Its the luck of the draw. You can get a rabbit that will grow up friendly or one that is a biter and is unfriendly. You never know. Unless you adopt a rabbit that is already sweet natured and friendly and is what you are looking for you are taking a chance. Maybe your friend will give you his? -). If you are willing to care for piggies and a rabbit that may or may not fit in then you will probably get one anyway. Just wait a few days and think it through.
A bird is a great idea. I had a parakeet when I was younger; he lived for almost 15 years. If it's your first bird, I wouldn't get anything bigger, they can get really hard to handle (not to mention messy). I had the parakeet when I was in the Army (it was the only pet we could have in the barracks other than fish). He would follow me around the room, into the shower, and even sit on the edge of the sink while I shaved. They have loads of personality, are cheap and easy to maintain, don't take up a lot of space, and are great to play with. Mine even talked a little, but that's fairly rare. He would imitate the phone ringing and then my "hello?” Freaked me out the first time he did it.

Great suggestion Pennick.
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