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Eyes/Non-crusty Buldging/protruding eyes?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 16, 2011
We have had our 2 guinea pigs for just a little over a week. Today I noticed that one of them had eyes that were protruding...looks like a mouse does. The other one does not look like this. I then went online and to my reference book and this does not seem to be normal but I also can't find answers. I honestly can't tell you but I am sure they did not look like this. Is this normal? not normal? They are little babies...no clue how old. The vet estimated about 12 weeks. These are our first guinea babies and I want to make sure we do everything right.
Upload a photo if you can. Guinea pig eyes come in different shapes and sizes, from tiny to large. I'm guessing that your guinea pig has completely normal eyes but that they just look different than your other one.
I'll see if I can get pictures of them real quick. And then hope that I can upload them!
I'll see if I can get pictures of them real quick. And then hope that I can upload them!

You can upload photos on Photobucket and then highlight and copy the URL and paste it into the comment.
Okay, this is my first time posting pictures so hopefully i am doing this correctly.
I did a few different views.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Buldging/protruding eyes?[GuineaPigCages.com] Buldging/protruding eyes?[GuineaPigCages.com] Buldging/protruding eyes?[GuineaPigCages.com] Buldging/protruding eyes?
I went back and looked at the pictues we took onthe first day and I don't think they looked like this. I am going to take out all the bedding tonight and just lay down paper or wrap a towel on the bottom of the cage just so she doesn't get anything in her eyes. I did see her close her eyes when I used the flash.
They look fine to me. Some of my pigs have eyes that protrude more than others.

However, if it's a change from before you'll want to keep an eye on them.
They're normal. Some guinea pigs just have eyes that protrude more than others. Your pig is gorgeous. My Pikachu had large eyes, too:

[GuineaPigCages.com] Buldging/protruding eyes?
It seems completely fine, so don't worry. I am happy to see such a caring piggy mother!
PHEW! can I tell you what a relief this is? I am a first time guinea pig owner. My family lost our beloved dog 3 months ago only half way through his life. Our animals are our babies and part of the family. My 7 year old cried everynight after our dog died (he got a bleeding disorder from his recent vaccines! So unexpected when you think you are doing something good for them). Anyhow, to mend the healing process for us all, we researched for a few months and decided that guinea pigs would be a great therapy for her (and us). Our children adore the piggies but my 7 year old she is in LOVE with hers. So we get 2 females and they are tiny...so cute! Then hers (because my 5 year old claimed the other one although the only thing she did was name it and she helps cut up their veggies and feed them), so my 7 year olds gets crusty eyes, I panic, go Christmas Eve to the ER vet $$$$ and she said HE looks good, but gave us antibiotics to use ONLY if it gets worse in case it is an early URI. Did I mention HE? Did I mention the other one is a girl? Did I mention we have had them only a week and then we find this out and now I am researching pregnancy because the vet said she could vdery well alreayd be pregnant, even before we got her. (although I have not seen any "action".) So now we are going to get him neutred because they are vdery much bonded and we want them to be in the same cage. $$$$$ This is our million dollar guinea pig. meanwhile it's the little girl's eyes that were buldgy and I thought, do we need to have MORE things happen? First crusty eyes (which BTW healed fine with no meds), then having to get him fixed, possible pregnancy AND eye issues? lol I am becoming a guinea pig specialist with all my researching! Thank God for this board!
Off topic but the first and last photo looks like his nose is crusty. Is that just maybe the photo?
I'll check but they just ate red peppers and when they eat those they get it all over their nose and cheeks.
I'll check but they just ate red peppers and when they eat those they get it all over their nose and cheeks.

I think her eyes and nose look fine.
I'll check but they just ate red peppers and when they eat those they get it all over their nose and cheeks.
Most likely just the photo. :]
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