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C&C Alternatives Building a new cage, but I could use advice


Cavy Slave
Jan 6, 2012
So, my boyfriend and I made a bet. Long story short, he lost, and he now has to build a custom cage for Xander. After looking around a few pictures of cages here, I was inspired and came up with a design. I'm hoping some experienced piggie owners can give me a little advice. :)

This is all going to be the top part of a 5 foot tall structure, the cage portion being 3 feet tall total, with two feet of shelving below it for storage of food, bedding, spare fleece, treats... etc...

So my idea is for a two story cage(making the most out of limited space). Both stories would be 1.5 feet high individually (3 feet total), with a length and width of 2ftx3ft (so 6 ft sq total per floor, 12 ft sq for the whole cage). The ramp to get to the second story would go along the backside of the cage (the 3ft portion) and be 6 inches across. On the bottom floor, I'm thinking about separating a small area of the first story for feeding, and cut archways out of the separated portion and use felt strips as curtains in the archways.

As far as materials go. For the floors of each story and for the ramp I plan on using wood. I use fleece inside my cage, so I'll paint the wood with that outdoor weatherproof paint to protect it. for the sides, I was thinking I have two options: mesh or three sides wood and a halfway up plexiglass front. I'm not sure what my best option is yet. Xander's not a jumper, so I'm not concerned about him trying to escape. I can leave the little bugger sitting on the couch with a carrot and he's content to not move haha

I want to ask if there's anything I'm not thinking about, anything I need to add, or if anybody has any advice about building guinea pig cages in particular. I have complete faith in the boyfriend's building abilities, it's his line of work and he's good at it. I know whatever he builds is going to be awesome, I just want to make sure that what we plan is safe and in Xander's best interest.

Thanks in advance! :)
While multiple levels may be a nice addition, they don't count towards square footage. How many pigs do you have? For one, the recommended size is 7.5 sq.ft. For two, 10.5 sq.ft.

Please see recommended sizes on the homepage for more number of pigs.
I have one pig now, but I might get a second one. Would 2.5ftx5.5ft be a better solution?
2.5x5.5 sounds much better. Especially if there are ever plans in the future to add a second piggy friend.

I do have one suggestion. Instead of using felt in your archway, I would use fleece instead. Seems a large majority of owners never have an issue with piggies chewing on fleece, but they seem to be attracted to other fabrics.
I have a thought, if you have 3 feet in height, then you have enough for 3 levels not just 2, 12 inches is enough head room for a guinea pig, cubes are usually 14 inches high. Also instead of painting the wood as it could be hard to get Guinea pig safe paint cause they do love to nibble things they're not supposed to, you might try making coroplast/corex trays they are real easy to clean.
Piggies, I'd only be painting the bottom of the cages with the paint, which is in turn covered by my fleece and towels. And I'm making 2 stories of 1.5 feet because if I go with my plastic front idea, I'd want to make it high enough that he can't get out, but low enough in front that I can take him out with my hands. I'd rather he have a lot of headroom. Plus, it leaves more space for some of his hanging toys, which he loves.

Haha, Catahoula I meant fleece*, but I typed without thinking. Thank you. :)
Sounds like a good plan. Can't wait to see pics when you're done.

You can line the cage with vinyl floor. Would be easier to clean than painted floor.
lissie, that's actually a really good idea, I hadn't thought about vinyl. But I am pretty sure I'm going to go with the clear-plastic or plexiglass front idea instead of the mesh. :)
Sounds awesome, another idea too suggest maybe make his ramp go from bottom level to top on the outside of cage. so the ramp doesn't take up floor room in cage. You could make a ramp out of plexi glass attach it on the end of the cage.
lissie, that's actually a really good idea, I hadn't thought about vinyl. But I am pretty sure I'm going to go with the clear-plastic or plexiglass front idea instead of the mesh. :)

I have a plexiglass and wood cage too :) Mine is lined with vinyl.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a new cage, but I could use advice
Thanks! I love it too :) It so much easier to see them running around.
That one looks awesome *steals picture* lol I know exactly what the boyfriend is building now. :p
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