Hi I am new to this forum. I have 2 guinea pigs. A red american boar named Lucky and a golden roan boar named Clover.I have my guinea pigs in a pet playpen right now and I use towels for bedding. I have a store bought cage but I think it is way to small for my babies and I have been looking into building a c&c cage for a while now. A lot of people from my guinea pig group on yahoo suggested I make the c&c cage and I totally agree. I think its the only way to go if you want happy and healthy piggies. I finally found coroplast, it took me forever to find it at a reasonable price. And I bought the grids from target. Now all I need to know is how to make a top for the cage. I have been looking through the photos of other peoples cages but just cant figure out what to use for the top. I am making a Irish theme cage for my piggies and I just cant wait to get started. Now my piggies will have lots of space to run and play. If anyone has any suggestions please post. Thanks so much this seems like a wondeful forum