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Cage Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions


Cavy Star, Photo Contest Winner
Cavy Slave
Aug 17, 2011
Hi, I'm going to upgrade my current 2 x 4 to a 3 x 4 because we adopted a new piggy to join Charlie and Frank. He's quarantined right now but I want to get everything ready. Is a 3 x 4 big enough for 3 boars? I believe a 3 x 4 is about 16 sq ft.

Will a full sheet of coroplast be enough to make the base? or will I have to tape two sheets together?

This is George, the new pig on the block!
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions
Depending on the size of your coroplast, you may need to tape a couple together. The mimium for three piggies is 13 sq ft, but since they are boars and may fight if not given adequate room, if you have room for it, I would recommend even trying a 3 x 5 or even a 3 x 6 if you have the room and supplies. Your new piggie is very cute and I hope he gets along with the rest of your family! :) Hope I helped!
I have a 3x5 and I made the base out of one 8ftx4ft sheet of coroplast. It only makes about 4ish inch sides so if you want higher sides (I have 13inch sides on the back and sides of my cage with the 4 1/2 inch sides in the front) I would get another sheet of coroplast if you decide to make it a 3x5. If you still go with a 3x4, then you should have enough extra coroplast to add higher sides without getting a second sheet of coroplast.

With three boys I would go with a 3x5 or bigger especially if you are adding a new pig to a bonded pair.

Here's when I was measuring it out (again mine is a 3x5 so you will have more extra coroplast than I do in this picture):
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions
The line in the middle of the coroplast is from where I had to fold it to fit in it my car :)

And then here is the finished cage with the higher coroplast sides that I added with extra coroplast:
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions
Hope that helps!
thanks HappyHopperz! I think I can probably fit a 3x5 if I move some furniture around a bit that will be 20 sq feet:D Hopefully I can cut the coroplast right this time. Usually I end up cutting it wrong and the cube walls have to sit down in the base making cleaning difficult.

Currently the cage with 2 piggies has a hammock (which they sleep under), two pigloos, and a tunnel. George has a pigloo in his temporary cage. Is this enough places for them to hide? Should I use 2 water bottles, 2 food dishes, etc? I don't want them to have any reasons to fight. Charlie and frank are very easy going pigs, as is George so I have a good feeling about them getting along. George seems to miss his family (he was dumped at the shelter with his girlfriend and three daughters) so I'm really ready for the day to come when they can meet.

Is 10 days long enough to quarantine? I adopted him on Saturday and 10 days would mean that I could start introductions on Wednesday of next week which would mean I could stay home all day that day. He seems very healthy, I'm taking him in for a check-up tomorrow.

Sorry about all of the questions!
Thanks ILoveMillie (Sorry we must have posted at the same time)! I'm going to go with the 3x5. More room for them to run around and more room for hiding places. :D
Wow.... ILoveMillie.... That's quite a cool cage. I like your coroplast design. How many pigs do you have?
For three piggies I would have 3-4 water bottles, 3-4 food dishes, and 3-4 hidey houses with two or more openings. The pigs might fight over the igloos. Shoe boxes with are easy to cut two openings. Also if you use hay racks I would have maybe 2-3? Or you can put a few piles of it all around your cage :)

I would quarantine him for at least 3 weeks even if he does have a vet check; just in case some hidden illness shows up after the vet visit.


piggypuppylove: Haha we must have! :) That seems to happen a lot! I'm glad you're going with a 3x5, I love mine!

HappyHopperz: Thank you! I have one very sassy guinea pig who loves people and will try to attack any other guinea pig she meets. I also foster for my local small animal rescue so I almost always have a foster in my house. The cage is divided into a 3x3 for Millie and 2x3 for my single foster. When I don't have a foster Millie gets the entire thing :)

Divided cage:
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions
No, never be sorry to ask questions. Being a bunny owner, quarintine length I do not know the recommended length. I would use two water bottles and food bowls, and this will reduce the chance of upset pigs come feeding time. Ly&Pigs has some nice feeding charts of you need ideas. I think those hideys are enough, but I like to get creative and use cardboard and such to make tunnels or whatsoever. You can also use bent grids as hayracks or tunnels. I am really glad that you ar e considering the welfare of your pigs and expanding to a 3 x 5, I can guanrantee that they will be much happier and introducing George into your herd will not be a problem. :) It is also a good idea for you to take him to the vet for a check up, you seem to be up to date on your piggie knowledge and sense and I wish you luck in this. If you have anymore questions, I would be more than happy to help you.


ILoveMillie: That's sweet that you foster and Millie gets to make new friends often. Do you keep your cage in your room? I am planning to make a 3 x 9 in my room. :)
Really, 3 weeks? Poor little guy, that's a long time to be alone.

I'll be sure to have plenty of bowls, bottles, and hideys!
Unless you got him from a reputable rescue where you know he has already been quarantined from other piggies then it is recommended to keep him in another room away from your other pigs for three weeks.
He was at the local shelter, and they are far from being Guinea Pig experts. I'll keep him away for three weeks. I think I'm going to have a hard time being patient ;)
I built the new cage today! I had a 3x5 put together but after moving furniture and trying to fit it... I couldn't, not and keep my bed in their;). I keep them in my bedroom in order to keep them(and their food) safe from my basset hounds. I think they should have plenty of space! There are 2 big hay racks, a hammock with grid/hay cover, a tunnel, and two pigloos. Plus lots of hay thrown around, two water bottles (will be three once George joins them) and soon-to-be two food bowls. What do you think?
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions
[GuineaPigCages.com] Building a 3x4 cage... a few questions
It looks great!! I'm sure your piggies are loving it :)
Wow, you are on a move! You did a great job and everything looks perfect! I bet your current piggies are much happier and welcoming George into the family shall not be a problem. Keep us updated with words & pigtures! :D
For three piggies I would have 3-4 water bottles, 3-4 food dishes, and 3-4 hidey houses with two or more openings. The pigs might fight over the igloos. Shoe boxes with are easy to cut two openings. Also if you use hay racks I would have maybe 2-3? Or you can put a few piles of it all around your cage :)

I would quarantine him for at least 3 weeks even if he does have a vet check; just in case some hidden illness shows up after the vet visit.


piggypuppylove: Haha we must have! :) That seems to happen a lot! I'm glad you're going with a 3x5, I love mine!

HappyHopperz: Thank you! I have one very sassy guinea pig who loves people and will try to attack any other guinea pig she meets. I also foster for my local small animal rescue so I almost always have a foster in my house. The cage is divided into a 3x3 for Millie and 2x3 for my single foster. When I don't have a foster Millie gets the entire thing :)

Divided cage:
View attachment 19636

What a great use space!
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