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Brought my PIGGS home today!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 6, 2004
Yay! Today my mom and I went and picked up Alice and Astrid from DaCourt and her daughter! I'm naming them Callisto (formally Astrid; white) and Psyche (sike-ee--Alice; brown). Astrid sort of sounded like asteroid, a chunk of rock flying through space... and Callisto is one of Jupiter's moons. Psyche is a character from Greek mythology.

Their cage is huge (2x5), and I think that they're not quite sure what to make of it! At the moment they're both hiding in the hay rack (even though there's two very nice pigloos at the other end!).

I weighed them, and, oddly enough, they're BOTH exactly 600g! (DaCourt, just out of curiousity, how much did they weigh last Saturday? Or do know?)

I made a lid out of cardboard for the top, to put on it at night--we have three cats and our family room has no doors. (Cardboard is terribbly clumsy to work with--and thick!!)

Just thought y'all would like to know; I've been wishing for a pigger since the end of August, beginning of September (since Tookie died...). I can't wait to start cuddling Callisto/Astrid and Psyche/Alice, though I know I really ought to let them settle in first...

I need to go put the lid on now...

(Sorry if this was long... I've been waiting since I got home to tell the good news, but first I had to make the girls more comfy--adding the hayrack, food bowls, some lettuce, and a hay-stuffed cardboard roll... :)

~Cactus (very excited)
Congrats on your piggies, they sound like real cuties! My only question is: Is the card board lid stable enough to hold the cats if they sit on it? Many people opt for storage shelving.
I agree about the storage shelves. Yay! Congrads on the babies. They are cuties.
Aw I'm very happy for you...yeh its good to give them a couple of days to settle in. Then start handling them loads to get them tame quickly.
DocDolittle said:
Congrats on your piggies, they sound like real cuties! My only question is: Is the card board lid stable enough to hold the cats if they sit on it? Many people opt for storage shelving.
Yup, the lid is. I believe the *huge* box I used held a folding bookcase, so it is quite sturdy. It was even tested during breakfast, when Elf Tiger sat on it... He'd finally figured out where those creatures lived.

The lid's on now, 'cause I'm not in there at the moment. I'm holding Callisto/Astrid at the moment... I just had to! But when I put her back I ought to leave her though... I have let them relax, though, most of the morning... I'll leave them alone this afternoon, too...

Have any of y'all noticed that the longest days of all are the first couple you have your piggs?? When you're supposed to leave them alone, to help them adjust? Arg!


P.S. Hey! PIG-tures! I'll go get the camera!
yeah take some pigtures for all us cavy crazy people!
Sorry I did not post sooner. I am not sure what they weighed. I do know they are smaller than their brothers. Emmet just hit 722 grams last week and I think Ethan is even bigger. I will ask their former foster mom if she knows what they weighed.
this was started on 1-8-05, today is 1-17-05, and i brought my piggies home today, they are very cute, two little boys, guessed to be about onhe year old, Nutmeg and Charlie, Nutmeg is orangeish-brown, Charlie is black with a white crest and a slight streak of beautiful orange on his side and face. I think (unsure, got themn from a Humane Society) that Nutmeg is and red or golden self American, maybe something else thrown in. Charlie is probably a white crested American, with bad breeding if you are stirictly going by appearance, but they are both so sweet.
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