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Broken piggy leg


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Dec 23, 2004
I guess I'm posting here mostly because it's cathartic.

This past weekend I was putting Porkie back into her cage and she leaped from my arms and hit the floor. We rushed her to the vet (because she was limping) and it turns out she has a bad spiral fracture. She now has a huge cast on.

We took her to our regular vet for a followup yesterday and he said that there's only a 50/50 chance that her leg will heal back together. We could do surgery now to try and make it better, but it'd be over $1000 and we can't really afford it, given that we just paid $700 for the ER visit. So, all we can do is wait a few weeks and hop eit heals. If not, then she'll either have to be put to sleep or have her leg amputated, depending on her condition.

I feel super guilty and sad. SHe's my favorite guinea pig and oh so sweet. I take super, super good care of them, so this feels unfair. Now she just lays there all sad with a cast on. :(
Big hugs to you - I know this has gotta be rough.

<<<< hug >>>>>
That is so sad. I hope the leg heals okay. I know you will take good care of your piggie and do what is best for both of you.
Hope all turns out well.
thanks guys. it is tough. i hate seeing her hurting and i hate thinking she might not make it. i'm going to be very sad if she leaves us :(
Aww, tell your guinea pig that I hope she feels better.lol. I hope she gets through it and it heals well.
Give her a pat for me. I hope she gets better!
I'm sorry your piggie is hurting, I would love to see a piccy though of a pig with a cast on, I can just imagine how adorable they look! ~~~Please post us a picture~~~
Medical's expensive, I sympathise really I do! How old is porky? Usually the younger they are the faster and easier the bones heal! You might find with a cast the bone heal's itself nicely with no need for further medical bills (big one's anyhow).
All the best porky!
This is Porkie in her cast. Yes, she's always adorable, but it is particularly sad to see her just laying there and never really moving around. WHen she does, she has to scoot. Yesterday she seemed fine and happy. Today she hasn't really moved and will barely eat. Sadness.
Oh poor baby! Thanks for letting us see though, what a pretty piggie!
What about some pain killer's? Bones ache when they heel, did your vet give you any?
I read somewhere you can give them iboprofen (don't think that's spelled right though)
I'm sure her movement's would be limited though even if she wasn't uncomfortable but she does look it. Maybe she's just hurting and that's putting her off her food.
Good luck with her.
Aw, poor baby. :(

If she goes off her food make sure you force feed her 4-5 times a day with mushed pellet and organic baby food. Maybe some veggies.
If she seems in pain, I would ask the vet for some pain meds for her.
She is such a pretty girl. It's sad to see her looking so woebegone. Pain meds sound like a good idea.
Its the good people which are unlucky. I have to say its pretty sad this has happened
She is so pretty... I hope she gets better... mayb feed her more spinach and parsley... stuff that is high in calcium which might help her bone to heal faster... God bless your baby~~
She has pain medicine and I give it to her daily. Today I woke up and she seemed pretty alert and was eating - so I'm thinking maybe the pain meds are making her feel ill (I know last time I had an injury, the pain meds made me feel really bad after a copule of days). So, today I'm going to lay off giving them to her for a little while and see how she does. I wish she could talk and tell me how she feels and what she needs.

She is a pretty girl and she has a super great personality..very calm, sweet, likes to be petted, and very outgoing. Of all our pigs (and we have 4), she's been my favorite.

I've been giving her spinach and parsley and also vitamin C drops. Yesterday I made pellet mush and fed her a tiny bit. And, I give her drops of water.
Aww I'm so sorry to hear about your girl breaking her leg. If it makes you feel any better, I went through a very similar thing with one of my chinchillas and it turned out to be a success story. Bandit broke his leg in a wire ramp and it was also a spiral fracture and his leg was bent completely back when I found him. He was in a cast for a little while, then a splint. It was a long, difficult and expensive road to recovery but now he is 100% and his leg healed up fine.

Don't lose faith in your little girl! If you take good care of her while her leg is on the mend, there is a chance she will heal and be able to keep it. If not, I know she would get around just fine as a tripod. I would not put her down unless her suffering was outweighing her quality of life.

I will keep you and your piggie in my thoughts and prayers.

Here are a few pictures of Bandit and his healing process. I always joke around that his leg is an $850 leg and he better appreciate it! I know he does though.. good luck with everything.
Awww...I know it's not a nice thing to happen but I do think they look adorable with little minature cast's on.... hehe.
it's hard to see her as adorable when I know she's in so much discomfort. i'm sure it sucks to not be able to run around with your friends. she mostly just sleeps all day, and nibbles on food here and there. her little bottom gets super dirty and clogged up, so i have to use baby wipes on her. and 5 more weeks of this! oy.
Of course, it's sad but she's got a good owner who is taking great care of her!
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