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URI/Upper Respiratory Infection Breathing Problems???? Help please.


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 22, 2012
I'm not sure if i should worry or not.. One of my pigs started breathing oddly about 15 minutes ago... Please Help... Here's a video: Btw I am very sorry for the mess... I am cleaning their cage out in an hour. xx
Breathing problems?? Help. - YouTube

You might need to turn the volume up.... Just focus on her breathing. xx
Okay Thanks you!! xx I've never heard her make that sound before so I didn't know what to think of it.
Okay Thanks you!! xx I've never heard her make that sound before so I didn't know what to think of it.

Are you talking about the actual noise you can hear that sounds like a normal Wheek, but quicker and quieter? I can definitely hear that, which is normal. Spydoc hit it on the head, then.

I also am hearing something like a dog panting-- Could this be just your camera, and that is what I am hearing? If that is the noise she is making, there may be a problem.
Yeah, I'm talking about the dog panting type of noise.. and no its not my camera. She was making that nosie.
Yeah, I'm talking about the dog panting type of noise.. and no its not my camera. She was making that nosie.

OK, because the noise that Spydoc mentioned WOULD have been normal. But I am pretty sure I know what noise you are talking about, the "Ha huh ha huh ha huh" (sound that out and you get a pretty good idea.

There are several results after I Google "guinea pit panting"

I would read some of them, certain ones are very serious.

I would get the pig into your vet and have him checked out please.
Okay thank you. I will try to get her to the vet.. I'm not sure if I can today though all of the exotic vets that I trust are all closed... :( would it be ok to wait till Monday or would I NEED to find a vet today?
As long as she's acting normally -- eating and pooping well, running around, etc -- I'd wait until Monday. ER vets don't usually have an exotic experience, and I'd rather wait on a good vet. However, if she acts sick, or gets worse, I'd take her in.
I would also get rid of the Pigloo or cut another hole in it. The urine and feces fumes tend to build up which can cause breathing problems.

I would take her to the vet just to be on the safe side.
*update* okay so I wasn't able to take her to the vet on Monday because of family issues and she wasn't making that weird noise anymore until about 2 hours ago. Its 3:40 in the morning so I can't take her to the vet.. I am taking her when they open but I'm just too worried about her to fall asleep.. what can I do?
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