I have four boars living together. Three of them are 8months old and the other one is 3years old. They have been together since the three young boys were 4weeks old. They fell in love at first sight. They sat with eachother, ate together and slept huddled together.
Now, about a month ago they caught mites and I had also moved them indoors to a cage above the girls. They got very irritated(sp?) and started to have arguments. I found cuts on three of them, I seperated them for a night and then put them back together the next day. They seemed to be VERY happy to be back together, but they also seemed relaxed being seperated. Now that they are back together they are arguing again. I am sure that they do not have mites any more but I am going to treat them again anyway.
Three of the boys are fine, they love eachother. Two of them NEVER go anywhere without eachother. It's really funny seeing them trailing after eachother. But theres the one boy who seems to be a loner. He is never with the others and when he goes near them the smallest one chases him, chattering his teeth and biting the other ones bum. The one that is being chased no longer runs back into his cage for dinner, he stays outside. When I do put him back in his cage for dinner he just sits on top of the box and waits for the others to finish. There is no blood shed but I am still worried that he is upset. He doesn't seem to like living with them any more. I am worried that bringing them indoors made them fight! They never knew the girls exsisted untill I moved them indoors, now they don't stop arguing even though the girls are indoors and they are outdoors! I know that their cage is not the biggest in the world and it is on the small side but they still argue dueing floor time. Floor time is huge so they have plenty of space to stay away from eachother. The loner seems to want to be with the others but the bully is not letting him!
I could seperate them into twos but it is not fair on the poor one that gets seperated from the rest. I thought about getting him another friend but I already have 10 pigs and it costs alot. I then thought about getting him neutered to put in with the girls. I can save up for this but I am worried that he will not make it through surgery. I cannot find any small/exotic vets. If I got him neutered to put him in with the girls I know that he will LOVEEEEEEEE it! But I would never forgive myself if he died.
I really don't know what to do, should I leave him be or what? Plz Help! XX
Now, about a month ago they caught mites and I had also moved them indoors to a cage above the girls. They got very irritated(sp?) and started to have arguments. I found cuts on three of them, I seperated them for a night and then put them back together the next day. They seemed to be VERY happy to be back together, but they also seemed relaxed being seperated. Now that they are back together they are arguing again. I am sure that they do not have mites any more but I am going to treat them again anyway.
Three of the boys are fine, they love eachother. Two of them NEVER go anywhere without eachother. It's really funny seeing them trailing after eachother. But theres the one boy who seems to be a loner. He is never with the others and when he goes near them the smallest one chases him, chattering his teeth and biting the other ones bum. The one that is being chased no longer runs back into his cage for dinner, he stays outside. When I do put him back in his cage for dinner he just sits on top of the box and waits for the others to finish. There is no blood shed but I am still worried that he is upset. He doesn't seem to like living with them any more. I am worried that bringing them indoors made them fight! They never knew the girls exsisted untill I moved them indoors, now they don't stop arguing even though the girls are indoors and they are outdoors! I know that their cage is not the biggest in the world and it is on the small side but they still argue dueing floor time. Floor time is huge so they have plenty of space to stay away from eachother. The loner seems to want to be with the others but the bully is not letting him!
I could seperate them into twos but it is not fair on the poor one that gets seperated from the rest. I thought about getting him another friend but I already have 10 pigs and it costs alot. I then thought about getting him neutered to put in with the girls. I can save up for this but I am worried that he will not make it through surgery. I cannot find any small/exotic vets. If I got him neutered to put him in with the girls I know that he will LOVEEEEEEEE it! But I would never forgive myself if he died.
I really don't know what to do, should I leave him be or what? Plz Help! XX