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Animal Welfare Boycott etsy!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 23, 2012
Even if you are not easily upset.
This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen. Please sign the petition, and tell Etsy (I know, we all love it, but...) that you will boycott their site til this is banned!
Animals Petition: Help me prevent selling of rabbit heads and skins on Etsy | Change.org

Words cannot describe my disgust. Those bunny heads? It could be MY bunnies head. He looks just like that. He was just cuddling with his 2 beautiful bun-wives Holly and Ivy, and they were all doing binkies in their cage. (Binkies for bunnies, popcorns for pigs-very similar). To go from that image in my mind to this....

I apologize, but may the people who perpetrate this "trade" rot in everlasting H-E-double hockey sticks.
The heads part is gross, but there are some animal components used in voudon/voodoo and various pagan rituals. I agree that the bunny heads is cruel and disgusting, but the petition also mentions skins in general from other sellers? I don't want me signing the petition to have an effect on spiritual items for others.
This isn't spiritual items for people, It's just cruel. Rabbits are sweet. loving, intelligent creatures. Animal abuse is NEVER acceptable, not in the name of "fun", and not in the name of religion. Would you be more upset if they were guinea pig heads? Guinea pig skins? Ritual animal sacrifice in the name of religion is still wrong.
Oh my goodness. That is awful. I don't get why anyone would want to buy that.
Please forgive me for not doing what was asked. I immediately closed the tab after seeing the picture.
I really need to listen when people say things are not for the faint of heart! :weepy:

I had to edit this because I realized my fingers typed something other than what I was thinking. Sorry!
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If you can't/won't click the link to sign the petition, you can always contact Etsy by sending them an email stating that selling animal parts is something you don't agree with, and you, as a customer, want them to ban such ads. Every little bit helps when trying to prevent such atrocities.
I definitely signed it. This is just.... *ugh* Words can't describe how awful this all is. I don't see this as a purpose for anything but plain cruelty. I've raised countless rabbits. They are the sweetest things, have emotion, and can feel pain just like any other "being" out there.

Such a shame that there are people out there without a heart and soul. :(
That's disgusting.
I signed the petition.
Etsy shops sell a lot of animal products, including leather. Cows are amazing creatures too. I've been vegan for 16 years and rabbits are honestly and absolutely my favourite animals in the world, but that's no more disturbing than leather shoes to me. Just a bit more obvious. Which doesn't mean that selling rabbit heads is wrong, or not disturbing, but... just hug bunnies and cows equally, you know?
This isn't spiritual items for people, It's just cruel. Rabbits are sweet. loving, intelligent creatures. Animal abuse is NEVER acceptable, not in the name of "fun", and not in the name of religion. Would you be more upset if they were guinea pig heads? Guinea pig skins? Ritual animal sacrifice in the name of religion is still wrong.

No, I agree that this particular seller is definitely in the wrong. However, the petition says it's not just singling out this one seller. It's including animal skins in general.

I also think religious freedoms and practices should be protected. A lot of skins/bones that are used for these purposes come from already deceased animals. Does this petition distinguish between that?
Where does the seller get the rabbit heads?
Where does the seller get the rabbit heads?

I would imagine that they either get them from a processor, or raise meat rabbits and use the heads for this product. I doubt they are killing the rabbits simply for their heads.
I have just written the seller asking for more information about her products and how she puts-down the animals. I hope none of you think me cruel. I just want to see this from a different angle before I start condemning people.
It seems to me, that this seller is really one of the more ethical farmers around. The rabbits are not dying simply for their fur/heads. The meat and everything else is also being used. This seller is much more ethical than the farmers that produced the packages of hamburger meat sold at Walmart, yet I see no one boycotting Walmart. If you are going to boycott... boycott the companies who operate the commercial feed lots. They are the ones who are abusing animals.

From fibersall's page:

"Most of the things offered here come from a very special corner of the earth. All the animals who dwell here are our friends, and are given the most pleasant life we can manage, no matter how long or short their stay. Breeding animals usually stay their entire life, and are family with us. Your purchases help to support them, so that we might continue to share our lives and land with them in the most pleasant atmosphere for us all. We are not vegetarian, but not only are we determined to end life humanely, we also try to honor it by making use of as much as possible.
I hope you enjoy what they, and I, offer."
I have just written the seller asking for more information about her products and how she puts-down the animals. I hope none of you think me cruel. I just want to see this from a different angle before I start condemning people.

I agree, please let us know what you find out.
I wrote her as well. The thing that bothers me the most is that she seems to be judged guilty before proven innocent.
As much as it shocks and horrifies me to see those poor bunnies' heads, this reminds me of the "Whale Whores" episode of "South Park." For those who don't watch the show, it involved the Japanese coming to America and killing dolphins and whales everywhere, including SeaWorld, aquariums, and even slaughtering the Miami Dolphins football team. Everyone in America is, of course, horrified at the killing of these cute and beloved creatures.

The boys from South Park end up in Japan, where they discover the Japanese hate whales and dolphins because they were given a doctored photo by the U.S. government showing a dolphin and whale doing the atomic bombing in WWII. The boys resolve things by doctoring their own photo and convincing the Japanese that it was a frame job and that a cow and chicken actually committed the bombing. The Japanese switch their slaughtering rampage to those two types of animals, leading Stan's father to say, "Now they're normal like everyone else."
I don't particularly see what is so wrong about it as long as the animals are treated and killed humanely before they are processed (and after processing are used in their entirety). Unfortunately, this is nothing compared to the nightmare that slaughter house animals go through. :(
I don't see anything wrong with it either, if they're the skins and heads of animals killed for meat or which died of other, natural, causes. I know there are people who'd argue it's cruel to eat rabbits, but I don't think so - it's a way of being self-sufficient, and quite honestly, I have a lot of respect for those folks who eat meat who actually will kill the animal they are eating themselves. It's a lot less antiseptic than walking into a grocery store and buying a hunk of meat while sparing ourselves the thought that once that was an animal who was living and breathing ... So, if that's the source of the heads/skins/skulls, I see no harm. And I wouldn't imagine she's raising the animals just for their heads and skins, else she'd have many more available.
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