We have boy problem questions - hopefully someone can answer them for me. I have 5 guinea pigs - started off with two then they breed and now we have five - anyway my question was about the father and the son - most people say that they can go in together but everytime I put them together the older male aka 'Dad' tried to hump the younger male. I am positive that they young one is male and he is about 5 months old now so he cannot be smelling like his mom - whats the problem? Why is he doing this? He was used as a breeder for most of his life so far and was always alone except to breed until I got him. He is very social. Could him being used as a breeder be the cause of this behaviour?
Any advise or insight would be welcome as his behaviour is baffling to me.
Any advise or insight would be welcome as his behaviour is baffling to me.