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Boy problems


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
May 6, 2005
We have boy problem questions - hopefully someone can answer them for me. I have 5 guinea pigs - started off with two then they breed and now we have five - anyway my question was about the father and the son - most people say that they can go in together but everytime I put them together the older male aka 'Dad' tried to hump the younger male. I am positive that they young one is male and he is about 5 months old now so he cannot be smelling like his mom - whats the problem? Why is he doing this? He was used as a breeder for most of his life so far and was always alone except to breed until I got him. He is very social. Could him being used as a breeder be the cause of this behaviour?
Any advise or insight would be welcome as his behaviour is baffling to me.
That's completely normal when introducing new cavies. It's their way of establishing dominance amongst each other. Make sure you have a big enough cage, and keep them together unless there is bloodshed.

I hope you no longer plan on breeding, and why you did breed is beyond me.

Good Luck!
No, that is normal. They are establishing dominance. Give them a large C&C cage with at least 2 of everything and read the social life article at www.cavyspirit.com and the breeding one while you're at it.

As long as there is no bloodshed, leave them alone.
I am grateful for the advise, thankyou. I breed my cavies because I wanted to and as a respondsible pet owner I feel I have the right as long as I am prepared to deal with 'the children' which I am and will for thier entire lives. In this household the animals are always first so if they boys will not get along then seperate cages are not a problem. I am not new to having animals and am well aware of the commitment that I made when I did it. I am surprised at the hostility in the respondses that I have recieved. None of my animals have ever been given away or abandoned nor will they. I think I have made myself clear on this point but I will think twice before posting a question again to this group.
Hi - I have to say you did get 2 decent responses to your question, and there was no hostility.

We are shocked that you breed because there is an overpopulation problem of guinea pigs everywhere. we feel that if you want more piggies, then you should go to your shelter and adopt them!
bare2feet said:
I am surprised at the hostility in the respondses that I have recieved. None of my animals have ever been given away or abandoned nor will they. I think I have made myself clear on this point but I will think twice before posting a question again to this group.

What Hostility? i haven't heard or seen anything that can be taken as hostile. We know you are new here, and just so that you know, this is a Non-breeding forum. If you feel that you have recieved hostile messages then just keep your breeding for another forum, that way no one will feel that they have to defend their point of view and you won't have to defend yours. No one has stated anything about abandoning or giving away your piggies. If you insist to talk about breeding then you might be met with hostility. I'm not trying to be rude or mean or even hostile towards you. I am mearly stating facts about this board. Please have a good day and good luck with your piggies.
Hi again - I did not realise that I was in a forum against breeding. I do realise there is a problem with over population but there are no adoption things for cavies around here that I have found - otherwise that would have been an option I would have look at. I have no intention of talking about breeding cavies nor of doing so again as I have all I can handle and provide well for at this point. And yes rabbitsncavyluv was very helpful as I have already found the section that rabbits was talking about - very good advice there. Katies respondse is what offended me with her closing line. I have read alot of the posts in here and there is alot of talk about abandonment and abuse and felt that she was implying that towards me. I would hate anyone to think that I would do something like that. Perhaps I over reacted - perhaps I didn't I guess it would depend on the way it was intended. But I do believe that I also did thank them for thier respondses.
I hope you's all have a great day as well.
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