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Boring cages-Need all the ideas I can get!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 25, 2011
Here are their cages:
[GuineaPigCages.com] Boring cages-Need all the ideas I can get!
A tunnel house in each, and that's it. I know they need more, but I don't know what to get. What would all of you suggest?
Thanks :)
My new little girl absolutely loves her fleece forest. It's her favorite. I keep a little blanket under the forest for her to burrow under and get all comfy. I also have toys in the cage, but they never get played with.
I have step stools for hidehoes....they are about 5 bucks at dollar tree. more than one way in and out.
I have made my own toys being creative with string, cardboard tubes, and TP roles.
I had a fleece forest as well and my pigs literally never left it, so I took it down. My cage is bare at the moment too. I am planning to sew some cuddle cups, cozy sacks, pillows, tunnels, etc to switch out of their cage.
I got this Willow stick chewing Ball from the pet store for $3 and they ate it in like 1 day! So I want to get more of those, see if your piggies like them too. :)
you can make them a little play ground out of cardboard... just make houses.. tunnels... i saw a video dont remember where tho where she has a playground for her pigs and they looked like they loved it :)
Sewed a giant hidey/couch combo that mi pigs love. There are two front entrances and the large chamber has a divider down the middle, giving both my guys their own private area. They can climb over or under the divider so no one can be blocked inside. Then I put two cuddly cups ontop so they clump up there to sleep too(or jump up and down while running laps). Then I turn it upside down and it becomes a couch. They each have their own seat(my guys will not cuddle together ever :( ) and can climb ontop of the edges and lay there too. It's pretty huge!
My guys love their fleece forests and run through them then peek out and run some more. Here is the link for my post about it and towards the end another person did a really cute design with it. My guys also enjoy their step stools and card board boxes. https://www.guineapigcages.com/threads/67935/
you can also get those plastic balls with the bells in them...made for cats.....mine love to pick them up and throw them. just make sure you take them out if they break...
paper bags my piggies will go in them and never come out. They also love a fleece forest
toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls filled with veggies and hay
shoeboxes with holes cut out of them to make tunnels
round oatmeal containers for tunneling
wads of paper for throwing and chewing
newspapers bunched up for burrowing and chewing
boxes without holes for hiding
small pillows for laying on
you can make a "tent" or hideout using fleece or towels and attaching them to the top of the cage
some pigs like safe mirrors that are firmly attached to the cage to look in
bells attached to the cage are fun for making noise
do scavenger hunts with them...hide little bits of veggies throughout their play area
piggie popsicles are a huge hit
What are piggie Popsicles?
-Timothy cubes they love to chew on and i got 1lb for 55cents!
-Willow balls which i hide veggies and hay threw. it came with 3 on a string so i pulled the other two off and tied one to the ceiling of the cage.
-A stuffed animal, i have a shark in my cage they love to lay on it and push him around.
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