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Bored pigs

lindsey's boys

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 21, 2004
I was wondering what else I could fit in my 2x3 cages, because the pigs always sleep in their beds, eat, drink, poo, ect. Right know all they have besides food, water and hay is: a wooden house, a bed, a towel (in Chip's cage,) a pillow case (in Rodney's cage,) a bell (in Rodney's cage,) a mirror (in Chip's cage,) and a ball for each pig. Any ideas would be great.

Thank you,
Maybe a ramp or just a tunnel of some sort.
I'll try making a second level, and I'll put a tunnel in. Thanks!
THey are probably lonely. I know seperating them wasn't your idea, but thats exactly how Dagwell was before he got his friends. They seem to really miss eachother.
You can just change items in the cage. You don't have to always add things. Take out a house and put a different one in. This will interest them for awhile. Just make changes every few days rather than adding new ones.
I made a grid tunnel by bending a grid and then put fleece over it - my boys love it!! Oh, they also love bird toys, I can hear them playing with the little bells all the way upstairs, which may or may not be a good thing. lol.
My pigs love the bird toys too. They like to ring the bells. I just make sure they have larger bells on them so the pigs don't pull them off and swallow them.
Make a shelf, one that isn't a second level but is easily to jump onto. I have one and my pigs love to run under it and jump on it all day. And it's all in one level.
I used to have that too cutebutshy! They LOVED it
They actually like plumbing pipes (un-used, of course). I bought a few curvy and straight ones for about $3 a piece at Home Depot, and they love them. Just a neat alternative for a tunnel I suppose.
The cheapest, greatest toy ever: packaging paper! The thin sheet of paper they use to pad things in shipping boxes. They absolutely love it. You can crinkle it up in all sorts of shapes and tunnels. They burrow through it, sleep on it, run over it, drag it around, chew on it.... Of course after all that they pee on it and it has to be thrown out but it's the greatest 3 hours of their life. I order enough stuff online to get a good supply for free but I think you can buy it at any store that sells shipping supplies.
Hay thrown over top of anything is fun. Whether it's just a bent grid, an igloo, or a wooden house but tunnels work the best. Don't forget the stuffed paper towel and toilet paper tubes. If you haven't seen that pic of the stuck piggie in the tube be sure to split them down the side first then stick in some veggies, hay, oxbow critter treats... The temporary toys are the best ones. The big long box my air purifier came in was great fun for floor time until of course it got peed in a few too many times. When they were little opening up the ends of kleenex boxes made a great toy to run through but now they are a bit big to fit. Any of chunk of cardboard or paper is fair game. My boyfriend has been throwing them his old white tshirts which they love but do a good job of ruining beyond what washing can fix. Rolo is the only 1 of the 6 that really does like bird toy bells and she still thinks the temporary toys are lots more fun.
My guinea pigs avoided the bird toy. Where did you get the little shelf thing? It sounds cool! Spencer would love it!!!
CoCo is ENORMOUS! He would split the rolls!!! :D
Thanks for all the replies. Sorry I have not been on the computer much, but my computer was almost lost to a virus. I'll have to try all of those ideas, and see what the pigs like best. I cleaned Rodney's cage yesterday, and put in brick steps leading to the top of his wooden house; so far he has not gone up.
My piggies love their futon. They lay under it, on it, run over it, and eat hay from it.
The Magic Taco said:
My guinea pigs avoided the bird toy. Where did you get the little shelf thing? It sounds cool! Spencer would love it!!!
CoCo is ENORMOUS! He would split the rolls!!! :D

First I made it out of regular grids and it seemed to far out to me (sense(sp?) I have a 2 X3 cage). Then I took a side of my old store bought cage and it was shorter and big enough to sit, sleep and popcorn on. You can also cut 2 grids in half and use that.
I can't get any grids at the moment, so is there anything else I could use? Do you think old tissue boxes are ok?
Babies and piggies play a lot alike! They both love the boxes more than the toys. If you make sure that there isn't any plastic they can choke on stuck to the box and cut the openings bigger, so they don't get trapped, tissue boxes make great choices for piggy amusement (as do cut down cereal boxes, shoe boxes, etc etc etc)
Cool, thanks!
My pigs love the "fridge pack" box from a 12 pack of 12 oz Dasani. I opened both ends and put a hole in the side. And it's big enough for my 3 1/2 lb Ginger to play in!
I know you can get corner shelves from Petsmart and HomeDepot has corner shelves too. I just zip tie them to the corner and put shelving liner on top with twist ties. Right now Stardust has two in his cage, but Ziggy doesn't. He loves them since he used to have them. My two are in 2x3 cages one on top of the other with a grid stand. ( I had to separate). Ziggy used to also love the under shelf storage baskets zip tied to the back of the cage. Just place some hand towels on the bottom. He seems to hate the feel of fleece and sheepskin so anything with that is a no-no for him. Stardust was the happy recipient of Ziggy's Cuddle cup since he hated the feel. You just need to experiment.

I agree the homemade toys are the best.

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