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Bordom Buster


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 13, 2005
I bought a bordom buster confusing it with the similar bounce back toy. I have been looking at it and haven't been able to identify why it's considered dangerous. They can't reach the bell and if Lina figures out how to open the bottom I can always zip tie it shut. It said the ring was what would break on the toys page, but I can't for the life of me see how Lina could break it. It is very thick plastic.

Is it possible the Canadian version is built different? Or that they changed the design or something.

Edit: My husband broke the ring. Is it considered "safe" now? Can she just use it like the bounce back toy?
Is a boredom buster like a weeble with a bell inside? If so, I don't think it could hurt your pigs, my boys have had it for a year and all they do is run into it.
The weeble thing is the bounce back toy. I have the one that hung from the roof of the cage. At least that's what it's supposed to do.

But when I filled it with fruit Lina pushed it around till it all fell out, so she did have fun. I don't plan to keep in in the cage, as it won't be as stimulating. It will be a "sometimes" toy.

I really want to find a bounce back toy now. Living in canada suck sometimes.
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