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General Books To Read and Learn About Guinea Pigs


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Feb 19, 2020
I am strong reader, and love books. I am not trying to promote anything, but just as a curious person I try to read and learn things.
Sometimes the internet isn't exactly the best place to learn information because you have millions of people giving you their opinions on things that might be incorrect.

This book is actually very informative, and might help answer some questions people may have.

Written by an exotic vet.
[GuineaPigCages.com] Books To Read and Learn About Guinea Pigs
I've found nearly as much misinformation in books about guinea pigs as I have online. About the only two places I trust are this site and Guinea Lynx.
Some of the information in some books I have read on guinea pigs has been so horrible inaccurate. I guess it would depend on the quality of the book, the author, etc. Sure, theres some good information in them, but a lot of it is outdated etc. How did you like the above book? Did it seem pretty consistently correct?
I love to read and learn too, but the main problem is that it's hard to find up-to-date information in books. The book mentioned was published in 2003, which is a little older than where I'd want to get my information. Internet sources are just so much more current (as long as you know how to recognize a trustworthy site).
The main point through this thread is to discuss whats out there and how to trust sources. Yes, i read all kinds of information old or new, because depending on certain sources that information might be still relatable to current.
What I want to know is, how does everyone on here base their DOs and DON'Ts on a guinea pig ownerships if all guinea pigs have their own personalities, their own little wants and needs, its like trying to learn another person's persona lol.
Where are people getting their information from besides this site?
Like stated before I am curious reader and like to research a lot @LittleSqueakers @PippathePig
Care of guinea pigs is not based on the individual quirks of guinea pigs, any more than the care of children is based on their quirks. They have the same basic needs for good food, hay, bedding, cage size and medical care.

If you read this forum, you'll find that almost nobody relies on books because of the inaccuracies in them. The site most often cited for information, other than this one, is GuineaLynx. Guinea Pig Community at livejournal.com has some good information. @MerryFriarTuck frequently recommends a good site whose name has escaped me at the moment.

Both this forum and Guinea Lynx are moderated, meaning that responses are checked for accuracy, and incorrect information is either deleted or corrected in the post. Both sites have quite a number of long-time guinea pig owners, including some who have run rescues for years. Neither this site nor GL promote or allow unverified information, and both are careful to specify whether information is based on research or on owner anecdotes.
@bpatters The site I recommend all the time is www.guineapigmanual.com :) It was my go-to site and helped me so much before I found this forum. Tons of info, food charts, common behaviors, guinea pig sounds and meanings, etc. To the best of my knowledge I've never run into anything outdated or inaccurate on it. I try to recommend it to anyone new to guinea pigs because it's very fun and readable, but still addresses the important things.
@bpatters The site I recommend all the time is www.guineapigmanual.com :) It was my go-to site and helped me so much before I found this forum. Tons of info, food charts, common behaviors, guinea pig sounds and meanings, etc. To the best of my knowledge I've never run into anything outdated or inaccurate on it. I try to recommend it to anyone new to guinea pigs because it's very fun and readable, but still addresses the important things.

I just spent 2 hours reading almost all categories on this website. Useful information!
Especially about the food, bedding, and handling.

Healthwise, like diseases and such could be more elaborated. Although I already have taken my babies to the vet just to check them out because I took them from the pet store....didn't realize there is adoption available for guinea pigs as well...
I just spent 2 hours reading almost all categories on this website. Useful information!
Especially about the food, bedding, and handling.

Healthwise, like diseases and such could be more elaborated. Although I already have taken my babies to the vet just to check them out because I took them from the pet store....didn't realize there is adoption available for guinea pigs as well...

Very very useful, for sure! So glad you read through, it's a great site. I'm guessing it's less elaborate on diseases because it's harder to write general verdicts on things that can vary by individual piggy. All the warning signs and such are spot on, though! If you have an ailment question this forum is best.
Many people have no idea there's rescue piggies to adopt out there; that's why both Guinea Pig Manual and GuineaLynx help raise awareness for it. Most humane societies will also have piggies to adopt.
Very very useful, for sure! So glad you read through, it's a great site. I'm guessing it's less elaborate on diseases because it's harder to write general verdicts on things that can vary by individual piggy. All the warning signs and such are spot on, though! If you have an ailment question this forum is best.
Many people have no idea there's rescue piggies to adopt out there; that's why both Guinea Pig Manual and GuineaLynx help raise awareness for it. Most humane societies will also have piggies to adopt.

right, if I plan to get two more babies I’ll probably adopt because it’s better and will help shelters.
I just didn’t realize it because I am complete newb to having guinea pigs all together. I grew up with cats and dogs never had any smaller animals of any kind so I’m heavily trying to find as much info and advice and etc , as I can :)
Small animals are definitely a whole different world... it's awesome you're doing all the research you can! :)
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