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Boar Questions and Neutering


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 13, 2005
Since I now seem to have a boar instead of a sow and I really don't know that much about boars (never intended to get one) is there anything I have to watch out for that I wouldn't have to in a sow? How old are they when they start to get impacted? (he approx 2 months) Does he need any special care?

He seems to be gaining weight much faster then my sows did at that age. At 2 months Tomoyo was 250g and he's 400g. But he was with his mother longer then Tomoyo. I bought Tomoyo at PetSmart and adopted Kero from the Humane Society. That also may explain the weight difference. Still it took her a week to gain 24g at that age, he gained 16g in two days. Compared to my sows, he eats like mad even though I've only had him for two weeks. They would nibble at everything for a month. He gobbles down what ever I give him. How much will he eat when he gets settled in?

I'm also considering getting him neutered. I know I could keep him seperate from the girls, but accidents can happen and I really don't want to take that risk. I read over CavySpirit's neutering page. Does anyone have any other advise? I know I have to wait untill he's a little bigger. I'm taking him in for a wellness check up this weekend and I will discuss it with the vet then. I am very lucky to live within walking distance of a good exotic vet. Has anyone gotten thier boar neutered at the Animal Hospital of High Park?
Heh heh heh ^^ A Card Captors fan in our midst eh?

I noticed the same thing when Koi had babies (these werent planned, i was bad and bought from the petstore X_x) Baby GunGun was the only boy, and he was much bigger and gained quicker than the girls too. I guess its not usuall then, though im no Piggy doctor either <_<;
Make sure you have a vet who has done a lot of pig neuters, and watch carefully for abscesses post surgery. You should get pain meds and antibiotics to give post surgery also. I think the pig needs to be about 4-6 months old, I can't remember exactly right now (must go to bed!)
Impaction usually occurs in older pigs, so as you said he is 2 months old, there is'nt really a risk of him getting it. Make sure you clean out his anal sac regularly - every other week is fine. Use a q tip and some olive oil, and ease out the gunk (usually bedding, stray peices of hay, hair) slowly. Let me warn you, this process STINKS! Go to www.guinealynx.com then following the impaction link for more details.

Also, whenever I clean my cage or I place them in a new space, they tend to mark their territory! So if you see him dragging his bum around the floor, don't worry. Again, there is usually an icky smell involved here =)
I bed him on fleece. I hope that helps a bit. I haven't noticed but dragging, but I have noticed that he'll try to go at it with anything that smells like the girls. Especially his stuffed hedgie toy. Heck it must be his best friend now. Doesn't eat his food, stays where he want it to, lets him drag it around. My husband thinks he's a hoot.

He seems more territorial then the girls too. he gave me a good chattering when I tried to clean near his water bottle. Then he started charging at the dustbuster! I really don't want to suck up my piggie.

So Piglet, I need to start cleaning his anal sack now or when he's old?

I'm pretty confident in my vet. They specialize in exotic animals and the pain meds and appitite stimulent are included in the price of the neuter ($207 CAD. Ouch) I asked them if they neuter guinea pigs. They claim that they neuter anything. My husband seemed a bit apprehensive after that. The men I talked to a work even more so :)
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