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Boar help


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
Ok, people with boars I need your help. When you pull apart the testicals there are two 'holes' If you pull apart the larger hole (the bottom one) what does everybody see. What should be there. I think my boy may have a problem because when I open up the hole I see brown gunk and its very visible. I think its solid. Help!
Oh man, what a night. Turns out Ascot was impacted. His perineal sac was full of so much gunk it was unbelievable. I gave him a bath, and I washed his bum with warm water. He looked terrified! I used a cotton bud and olive oil to get everything out. It took a good 15 minutes to clear everything out. I then had to dry him with a hair dryer. You won't believe how many scratches I have on my neck and arms. Note to self, wear a jumper next time. I swear, ascot his giving me evils. I gave him lots of hay and veggies, so that should help.
Is impaction common is male guinea pigs? Or is it rare? I know females can't get impaction.. I never thought to check before for impaction. eeek... Another worry.
Sorry you had to go through that piglet. At least eveything is ok now.
i dont think so. i thought that all owners of male cavies were supposed to check their boars buts for impaction at least once a week, and most probably clean it out. why? apparently boars' muscles arent as good as sows so they cant puch the poop all the way out by themselves.
Impaction is not really common, at least I think. My boar was just impacted a couple months ago, it smells but not too bad. It all got clogged up, but I just cleaned it and he is fine.
eww. How would you know that your piggie had that and never really checked it. Is there a side effect to that.
Omg, I have never checked any of my males for impaction. I mean I clean their bums once a month. But I never knew they could get clogged lol, I had read about it but I guess didn't think much of it.
I've heard it mostly happens with older boars. My 4 year old boar had impaction. I have never had it with any of my younger boars, actually Peppy was my first guy with this.
OMG When I cleaned out Felix...I literally almost threw up! It was freakin discustinng! I am SO glad that all my pigs are females! lmao I don't know if I could do that every week! Is that when I have to do it!? Eeeewwww. It probably wont be that bad since I cleaned it out yesterday...hopefully!! And if we keep up one it it should be ok right??
Ok, um any instructions on how to do this 'cleaning out'? Eeeew I am just disgusted, sorry but I am. I thought cleaning the bum was bad enough, but now this. Oh good thing I love my piggs.... Any how I guess I won't mind doing this after I get used to it. But for now it just sound disgusting... Anyways instruction?
Everyone said the smell was horrific, but I smelt nothing. I was actually quite proud! I am the queasy type but I didn't feel disgusted or anything. You use mineral oil,, vegetable oil or olive oil. Get a q tip and soak it in the oil. Hold him so that you can see his side (on your lap). Open up the perineal sac. It is quite deep, deeper than you think! With two finger, I used my thumb and forfinger, open it up and with the q tip, very very slowly take out the gunk. If you do it everyweek you woun't find much, maybe some bedding and hay. I went in a round motion first, and then slowly start taking it out. Sounds gross, but its not and needs be done!
Piglet, I know I probably haven't said so, but your pigs are beautiful. (Sorry to be off-topic!)
My first guinea pig, Gunther became impacted a lot during the last year he was alive. He developed cancer & I'm not quite sure how specifically, but it caused him to be impacted once a week (the tumour grew on his back & bum).

I never knew about using q-tips or oils so I just squeezed the lump out like Peter Gurney describes on his website. It was quite a traumatic ordeal for both him & me. I couldn't go in the bathroom for 30 minutes afterwards because of the smell (even with scented oils) & needed to give Gunther several reassuring cuddles & treats (the cuddles were also to reassure me, because I hated causing him stress or pain).
Thank you Denise!

Yes, I read peter gurney's instructions but I felt more comfortable doing it with the q tip. Seriously, there was absolutely no smell. I was prepared for it though, I had a peg on my bathroom cupboard!!
Once you have a pig with it, it's a good idea to check them every day - stops anything building up (which makes it easier to remove!). You soon get a technique going and it only takes a minute to sort them out!

Piglet, what pellets are yours on? Just a thought but I had a boar who got it quite young, but it disappeared when I changed him from an alfalfa based feed (Gerty, Burgess Guinea Excel) to a timothy based one (Cavy Cuisine). The higher fibre content seems to help some pigs.
I'm on Allen and Page. Lorna, the one I got the from, said this is what she fed them. Yes, it is a mix but its all natural. I went on to bunny bazaar yesterday to check out cavy cuisine (after looking at your website!). Do you get your pellets from there?

I know a website that tells me how much fibre is in allen and page, but I can't find it... Lorna said that they are between 1 and 2 years old. Maybe its becuase of their age?
Usually impaction due to natual loss of muscle tone doesn't occur until much later - I'd say at least 4-5 years old.

Yup, I get my Oxbow from Bunny Bazaar. It is more expensive than other pellets, but mine don't really eat many pellets now so it doesn't work out badly at all. Their diet is mainly hay, readigrass and veggies and they seem to do well on it.

You won't get many rescues over here using Oxbow as despite it being the best, it is far too pricey for rescues who have many mouths to feed and not much income. There are decent alternatives, but if the Allen and Page one is alfalfa based and Ascot's problem recurs, it could be worth trying him on Oxbow to see if it resolves.

Sometimes there are problems getting hold of Oxbow over here, so this is another place that does it if Bunny Bazaar don't have any in try (broken link removed). I like using Bunny Bazaar as their profits go towards their rabbit rescue. PLus I can throw a few twig balls and chubes in to my order too!
Okay, I may give cavy cuisine a go. The problem is the Allen and Page bag is so huge, its going to last at least another 2 months.

Thanks for help
Ok most of males are about 1-2 years old. And the rest are under a year. Do I still need to do that 'cleaning out' once a week?
Is there anything I can do to prevent it?
What are the signs of it?
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