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Bloated pigger


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jul 30, 2005
My pig, Leia, is slightly bloated. Well, I don't know maybe a bit more than slightly. What could cause this. When I pet her she wheeks A LOT:confused: :confused: . What could it be?!
Just curious. What makes you think your piggy is bloated besides wheeking when petting her.
Instead of bloated could her fur be puffed up? Does she try to get away when you are holding her or nip at you? When you pet her do the wheeks sound like she's in pain/uncomfortable? Has she been itching alot, possibly have sores, scabs, hairloss or red marks?

If so she probably has mites and needs to be treated for them by a vet. Or you could go here https://www.guinealynx.info/mites.html and learn how to properly treat them yourself
It sounds like a painfull wheeking and uncomfortable. She is constantly Wheeking and she was treated for something before I got her, I am trying to figure that out now. She was a surrender to Petco! I couldn't let her stay there. they said she was ready to be place becasue she was done with the medication. She does try to get away, there is hair loss and scabbing, no scratching, and I can feel her bloated stomache. I have a vet appointment on tuesday is that too far away?
Have you been feeding her cabbage, kale, broccoli or other gassy veggies? If so stop. The veggies could be causeing her bloat.

I'm not certain if Tuesday is too far away or not. Why don't you join Guinea Lynx and post about this in the medical forum. They have much better medical experts over there https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/
I feed Leia daily: 2-3 leaves of romaine lettuce, 2 sliced cherrie tomatoes, a small handfull of beet greens, 3-4 sprits of cilantro, blueberries, and a baby carrot or two every other day.
voodoojoint said:
Have you been feeding her cabbage, kale, broccoli or other gassy veggies? If so stop. The veggies could be causeing her bloat.

I'm not certain if Tuesday is too far away or not. Why don't you join Guinea Lynx and post about this in the medical forum. They have much better medical experts over there https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/
No one is responding to me at GL! However I have gotten through to Petco. Leia was taken to the vet for an URI and given Bantril. so thats not the issur any more. I'm not sure what it could be.
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Give them time at GL. They will respond.
a small handfull of beet greens
Don't feed beet greens everyday. They are best fed a couple times per month. Beet greens are high in calcium, Vitamin A and oxalic acid. I wouldn't wait until Tuesday to take her to the Vet. I would get her in much sooner. Like today or tomorrow.
My GP vet is only in Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I have no choice. :(

Ly&Pigs said:
Don't feed beet greens everyday. They are best fed a couple times per month. Beet greens are high in calcium, Vitamin A and oxalic acid. I wouldn't wait until Tuesday to take her to the Vet. I would get her in much sooner. Like today or tomorrow.
Are you weighing her daily? Is she eating pellets, hay, and veggies? I would cut out the pellets and veggies and just see if you can get her to up her hay, as long as she is drinking. You can go t othe store and buy Infant Gas Drops which are simethicone. This won't hurt her and if she is gassy, it will help her. If she is not eating you need to forcefeed her critical care of pellet slurry. Good luck, and please let us know how she is doing, ok?
Now that you mention it, in the morning it looks like she has eaten half of her pellets (1/4 cup) and then it looks like some of it she spits out??? Is that normal? But it never seems to me like she drinks her water. How do I force feed water?!

AmiableAnimals said:
Are you weighing her daily? Is she eating pellets, hay, and veggies? I would cut out the pellets and veggies and just see if you can get her to up her hay, as long as she is drinking. You can go t othe store and buy Infant Gas Drops which are simethicone. This won't hurt her and if she is gassy, it will help her. If she is not eating you need to forcefeed her critical care of pellet slurry. Good luck, and please let us know how she is doing, ok?
One morning fill the water bottle up all the way then the next morning see if there is any gone.

Blueberries shouldn't be given every day. Fruits can be given every 2-3 days. At the most one carrot a day. You can five 1/2 a carrot a day or 2 carrots every other day or one a wheek (as in week) whatever.
Take a look on the guinea lynx pages under hand feeding. Can you weigh her?
I have to buy a scale.
Hopefully she'll be okay! Try to make an appointment on Monday instead of Tuesday. My girl had bloat and luckily it went down in a night. Has it gone done? Maybe it's not bloat though...
You should also feed her more of a variety of veggies, that isn't enough.
When Dag said to watch her water intake, check the bedding under the water bottle because it all could have dripped onto there or something.
Hope she's okay!
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