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Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
Its been about a week now, and everytime I pick up Ascot he bites and tugs at my clothes. At first, I though he may need a wee or a poo but its been a week now. I was picking him up to give him a little kiss today and he bit my lip! when I have him in m arm, he's fidgety and he won't purr =( Do you think it could be mites? Anybody know where I can get ivermectin in England? (Treen, help me!)

Even if you're not sure your pig has mites, is it unsafe to treat him with ivermectin?
Even if you're not sure your pig has mites, is it unsafe to treat him with ivermectin
Nope! We treat all pigs that come into our home, whether or not mites is suspected.
Ok, so there are three kinds right? Do most people use the topical one? I've been searching for ivermectin for ages and this what I've found:
you might also take him to the vet, who can tell you for sure, and then for the biting, i would just take it slower with him, and make sure your hand does not smell like food. Just hold his fav. treats into the cage, let him take those, do not try to pick him up nyet, just go slow.
you might also take him to the vet, who can tell you for sure
Not without a skin scrapping, which is very painful and most of the time inconclusive, and they charge $20 for it.
(broken link removed)

We use this. You will also need to order a syringe with a needle. You need the needle to get the ivermectin out, but the needle is removeable so you can take it off to apply to the skin.
I just re read my post... I've not had in for a week guys, its been a week since he's been biting. Thanks for the link, but I need a supplier in England
Well, I found another website which sells ivermectin for horses. It says it has 1.87% ivermectin. What does this mean?
When you pick up your pig do you do it right by his cage? He will bite and fidget because he wants to get back into the cage where he knows it is safer. You might drop him, or something else may come along.

Remove the pig from the cage area, and now your arms become his safety net. He will rather be in your arms than out in the open where anything might happen to him.

Also, a handful of italian parsley helps to calm nerves in any situation.
He never used to be like this. He would always lay in my arms for hours purring. Its just recently he's been fidgety and he always seems annoyed. I want to treat both with ivermectin to be sure.
1.87 ivermec means that's what it's diluted down to.
I used it before and got the oral stuff ready diluted to the correct concentration for guinea pigs - a lot of vets have it in and will give you enough for the full course of treatment for all your pigs without you bringing them all in.

I've never bought it directly, but ask at the Squeaky Pigs forum https://pub44.bravenet.com/forum/show.php?usernum=3757141565&cpv=1"> as I remember someone there posting about a couple of people over here who sold it directly, and about how to dilute it etc. I know there are different kinds and some types of ivermectin/ ivomec have other stuff added which guinea pigs shouldn't have, so it's worth popping there for advice.
Thanks Treen. I searched but it came up with nothing . I posted on guinea lynx, and JC has the oral paste as well. She gave me lots of information and she said that she'd treat her pigs with me =)
Posts there are only saved for a few days, so searching never usually does much use, but if you posted and asked about any queries you have/ had, I'm sure someone would be able to help you. Glad you've found other help though!
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