Hey all,We (sir charles and I) are new here and we just wanted to say hello and tell you some stuff about our little family.We are currently looking for a new female family member to join our duo but for right now it's just charles and myself.Charlie is 2.5 years old now and he is a very famous pig in our area. I like to bring him on walks on his leash around the courthouse next door to our apartment. There he has met many people including lawyers, judges and business owners. He also has had the pleasure of meeting many cats, squirls, puppies, and large birds. And he enjoys all of those friendly animals except for the large birds and kittens. He used to have a best friend named calli co kitty who also lived with us but she became sick and had to go home to my parents for better care. Charles liked to cuddle with calli, follow her every footstep around the house, and groom her fur and now he has no one to play and sleep with. Which is why we are in search of a new friend.He is extremely smart. If i put his cage in one area of the house and then take him out and bring him on a walk then bring him back into the house he will immediately go to his cage even though it is in a completely different area. He also has a real talent for de-attaching anything that is attached to his cage like his food bowl, water bottle, hay holder... anything that is attached he figures out how to unattach. Which has made my life very interesting figuring out new and creative ways to attach these things. He loves running around and jumping over things. So i intentionally put obstetrical items in his way like shirts or old tissue boxes so he can jump over them and crawl into them and just play. He is potty trained, but i mean that literally he is ONLY POTTY trained, not poop trained. But as we all know guinea pig poop is a sinch to vacuum up. He will run into his little cage and potty then run right out which is probably the cutest thing ever. But he has the bladder of a champion and can go for quite a while without having to potty so if i want him in his cage because i am leaving the apartment or whatever reason the ONLY way i can get him in there is to bribe him with food. The worst part is he is picky about what food he wants what day. Some days he wants lettuce, and some days carrots or tomatoes. I call out his name and the food and he will follow me to the cage. If i put the food in he will jump in but if he senses at all that i lied and did not put any food in he will not jump in. He is too smart for his own good. I feel as though he has trained me, not the other way around.