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Benny sneezes all the time...


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Nov 23, 2004
I have to admit (I know, throw tomatoes at me) but I was trying out regular pine, because it's all I can find for a decent price in my area.. I KNOW I need to use kiln-dried, or aspen, or carefresh, I've done my research, but NOW I will probably have to becasue I think that might be what is making Benny sneeze.. I dont liek that he's sneezing.. Someone mentioned before that the pig might be illergic to hay, how is that? and how do you know if it is that? I really do want the best for my pigs...

Is the hay dusty? The bedding can be dusty sometimes.

I see you get Oxbow. Can you order from KM or have a feed store near you?
my piggies is just starting to sneeze because of the bedding we are using. we are gonna finish this pine bedding and then go to dry kiln or aspin.
guess that is the deal then.. I think we might try towels for a while too.. less mess that way.. I have a very young'n that likes to put EVERYTHING in her mouth.. so you can imagine, to my surprise, I see her w/ a turd in her mouth!! eeeek!
yeah I know what you mean. My neice did that once when she was in terible 2s. I caught her and told her no cuckie thats cucka. I love it when she said that at the age of 2. It was so cute. We would go to the park and she would see one on the ground and say cucka, cuckie.
Regular pine is fatal to pigs and can cause upper Respitory Infections. Take Benny to a vet asap, because hejust could have URI. Don't ever use regular pine, it's almost exactly like cedar, but cedar is more dangerous. Just get kiln dried pine, or air out your pine for a couple of days until the smell goes away. I get a decent price for my kiln dried pine. Do you go to feed stores?
by feed stores, do you mean like MFA? I haven't asked them for kiln-dried, didn't knwo they had it.. actually didn't know they had ANY bedding... I guess I could ask.. RubyPiggie2, where in MO do you live? I live in Moberly, near Columbia, if you are familiar at all w/ the area (fat shot I know) then maybe you can give me some ideas of where to go??
I am in St.Louis... I don't think that is near where you are, is it? I go to Diehl Feed South, or Store... it depends what the sign says, it says different things for unknown reasons, lol. How far away is where you are?
hehe, we are Central. My family lives in St. Charles, and it takes about 3-4 hours to get there.. so QUITE far!

thanks for helping me though. I feel bad now, for cheating the piggerz out of good bedding.. I didn't realize that pine was THAT bad.. I knew about cedar. It was quite dusty though, and even I sneezed when i changed their bedding, so I have taken it all out, right after I posted the questions to you, and replaced it w/ a fleece-type blanket for now. Are there any sorts of blankets that are no-nos? I will be going to salvation army to get some used ones, and some fleece...

thanks in advance,
You can air out the kiln dried pine. Just dump it into a large rubbermaid container, let it sit for 10 to 12 hours to air it out and it cuts down on dust and smell. Try to do it outside or on the porch or something. It can get kind of messy.
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