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Beige or Lilac??


Cavy Slave
Apr 3, 2005
Okay, I keep getting different answers on the color of my pig. Some say she is Beige other say Lilac. What do you guys think? Also someone said maybe she is a Peruvian/Abby mix. Her hair on her butt is 4inches. What do you think about the breed? The other piggy is her mom.

[GuineaPigCages.com] Beige or Lilac??

[GuineaPigCages.com] Beige or Lilac??
OH MY.. Your other piggies is a twin to my Princess. WOW. I had to double check to make sure she was still in her cage. haha.. But wow what a pair. They are just beautiful. Sorry I cant help you with what breed they are. I have no clue what breed mine are either.
My pig is lilac and yours looks a lot darker so I would say she is a beige pig. ASk at guinea lynx. They have a color chart thread and the members there could be evry helpful. She looks like an abby/peruvian mix to me to. These are pics of Sassy my lilac pig. See the difference?
[GuineaPigCages.com] Beige or Lilac??

[GuineaPigCages.com] Beige or Lilac??

Technicaly she is a rainbow because she has red white and lilac on her. Piglet's Ascott is a rainbow too, I think.
I did ask there and they were the ones who gave me so many different answers. She is just barely turning 3 months old and they said they lighten as the age
Trixie is your girl a tsw or a golden agouti/black/white? Send pics if you can!!! Twiggy would love to see her twin! Your talking about the fat abby one in only one picture right?
Oh, well they are the experts not me. Maybe, you should wait a couple months and then post another more recent picture. So if she lightens up she's lilac and if she doesnt she's beige?
Do Beige pigs have that red of eyes? Thats her eye, i didnt use flash
I dont now. I know lilac geneticaly have to have red eyes. Im not sure about beige.
Here comes the Lilac description from my book written by a Dutch known breeder:

A perfect Lilac: Evenly coloured, no differences in colour, except for the belly side. There it has to be a bit less "brightly coloured" (thump?).
Lilac looks to have a light blueish colour with a pinkish glow. The picture that is shown has a cavy which looks light gray with a strange twist.
Ears and the flesh under his feet (sole?) have to be flesh-coloured, nails have to be "horn-coloured". Eyes are always red.

A perfect Beige: Dark cream-coloured with a greyish haze, may not look brownish. Evenly coloured, no other colours may be present. The rest is the same as the lilac race. A beige cavy could be best describes as bleached lightbrown.

The book notes that the breeding of the right colour for lilacs is extremely difficult and that between Lilac and Beige holds some kind of relationship to each other.

If I compare the two photo's in the book, I would say he looks much more like a lilac than a beige. Your cavy also carries a brownish glow it seems. maybe it is the relationship the book told about. Still I think it is a Lilac-like cavy more than a Beige one, because beige is simply a different colour. I wish I had a scanner, so I could show you the pictures.
Beige and Lilac cavies both have pink eyes.

I would classify yours as a lilac, however she has a very beigy tinge - so I would suspect thats somewhere in her past the two colours have been bred together causing the colour indifference.

You should be able to have a close look at the pigment - if grey then shes a lilac, if brown (even if light) then a beige.

Lilac is actualy like a grey color with a purple glow or tinge or whatever. Lilac and beige are both dillutions of black and are carried on the same gene. That means its geneticaly impossible for a pig to be lilac and beige. Here is the link to the disscussion on Sassy at guinea lynx. There are a few pictures of lilac and beige pigs there.https://www.guinealynx.info/forums/viewtopic.php?t=18559&highlight=sassy
(broken link removed)
there is the link to my piggies page. :)
Your piggies are so cute! I loved seeing your cage too.
I would say the beige one is an abby/peruvian mix and the mother is an abby definetly.
I wouldn't call your pig lilac... probablt beige

Don't want to hijack the thread but what colour is Ascot:
[GuineaPigCages.com] Beige or Lilac??
tashagurl said:
Lilac is actualy like a grey color with a purple glow or tinge or whatever. Lilac and beige are both dillutions of black and are carried on the same gene. That means its geneticaly impossible for a pig to be lilac and beige.

Yes you cant actually have Lilac and Beige on the one cavy - but you can, however, have a colour that resembles both.

I know you can certainly get self black cavies that are very poor in colour (some top, but mainly under), that they appear a murkey brown - its the same with the lilacs/beige.

Cute piggy either way :)
Ascot looks like he is mostly lilac to me. But he has red and white too so he would be a rainbow pig.
Trixie, How in the world did you keep the blanket down on the bottom of the cage. My piggers loves to dig at it.
Whatever color she is, I wish I could get one the same! She's beautiful. I'm not a piggie mom just yet, but should be within a month. I'm waiting for a litter to be born "any day now" so hopefully I'll get to start with two littermates. Wish me luck!
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