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May I please know what is a fleece? I mean what kind of material is that? I'm afraid the shopkeeper here might not understand that word, so I need to make sure the material and won't buy the wrong thing. Is there a picture, closeup or any description? thankz
Miccee- what country are you in? (broken link removed)
I live in Malaysia. Why? recently I found that guinea pig is quite fun for a pet, so that's why I keep on asking questions before actually buying one. heh... but guinea pig here is very very expensive around 50USD
Fleece is just called fleece! Can't think of another name for it. Its great that you are researching before you buy, so please, ask as many questions as you want. If you can't find fleece, then try towels. They are not as asbsorbant but they still work great
after i clean him out will he keep getting impaction? are there any side effects? could this be the reason he;s been kinda irratable?
Ok, I cleaned my two today and it DOES SMELL! It smells a lot. I had to wrap tissues around my face (ha!). When you open up the anal sac what do you see? If you see brown/black then it needs a desperate clean. If you have a regular routine of cleaning then you will prevent impaction.

Taken from guinea lynx:
In older BOARS, (rarely younger and rarely in females because the sac is much smaller) the muscles of the anus stretch/weaken and the piggie is no longer able to properly expel the fecal pellets from the anus. Both caecal and fecal pellets become trapped or "impacted" in the perineal sac. If left unchecked, your boar will begin to lose physical condition because he is no longer able to eat the caecal pellets and the blockage interferes with the normal digestive process.

The perineal sac is a collecting place for all sorts of debris (hair, cage shavings, hay) and should be cleaned out on a regular basis
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