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Bath Time

Slap Maxwell

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 1, 2005
I decided to give my pigs a bath today, they seemed a little stinky. This is the first bath I have given them.

We started off with a brushing-

[GuineaPigCages.com] Bath Time

Then everybody got put in the tub-

[GuineaPigCages.com] Bath Time

They were wetted down and soaped up-

[GuineaPigCages.com] Bath Time

[GuineaPigCages.com] Bath Time

The bath after I got them out-

[GuineaPigCages.com] Bath Time

Then they got towel dried-

[GuineaPigCages.com] Bath Time


[GuineaPigCages.com] Bath Time

Then they were 98% dry and went back to their cage.
That's cute.
too funny... thanx slap, you made my night =)
Aww cute :) I'm looking forward to bathing mine when i get my piggies. :D
how often should you bathe pigs?
i have had three girls for over 2 years and haven't given them a bath. How do you know when they are "dirty"?
Thanks for sharing! I love pictures!
Guinea_Gal said:
how often should you bathe pigs?
i have had three girls for over 2 years and haven't given them a bath. How do you know when they are "dirty"?
I've read that you should bath them roughly every 3 months.
Great pictures. What a fun bathtime with all the piggies together. What little poop-factories piggies are!
thanks. I will bathe them soon them.
Just bathe them when they're really icky. Some people don't need to, especially if their pigs are short-haired.
I have never bathed my short haired pigs, but if I had a long hair one that had pee all over its back end, I would be obsessive about it.
Ok, never mind. Mine are all short haired (all 3). They always keep themselves clean, so it seems like there is more of a risk of geeting to cold and sick if i bathe them!
Your piggies are so cute! Thanks for sharing their bathtime with us.
I am now giving my piggies fungal shampoos every week by the order of their vet. Sorry I ever started this. My piggies are fine, but when you bring in your piggies for a checkup and show them by the way there is a little hair missing over here, out comes the fungal shampoo, out comes the mite medication, so on and so on. I went along to play it safe. Anyway, I hate bathing them as much as they hate taking a bath. If I never have to do this again it would be fine with me. Much to much stress for them and me. Sometimes I think I will kill my piggies just by the stress they go through. I have given my piggy the last fungal shampoo ever. Vet or no vet. By the way, I'm pretty sure the "little" loss of hair is from my piggies cleaning each other.
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