So Pip's been cleared of diseases and she went through three weeks of quarantine. I tried to introduce her to Cleo in the bathtub, since it's a neutral place they never saw before.
Things were alright; I had some towels and several pieces of lettuce out. They sniffed and rumbled. Cleo seemed like the submissive one because she would bow down under Pip's chin. Cleo also seemed very intent on sniffing Pip's butt. After about ten minutes or so, though, things started to escalate. Pip would chatter and Cleo, in retaliation, would make high-pitched squeals. I didn't interfere yet, but five minutes later when the two were face-to-face and snapping at each other, I threw a towel down on them and separated the two.
I calmed down Cleo and then I tried a different tactic. I filled the tub with an inch of warm water and I gave them both a bath (they needed it anyway). They didn't fight or anything and they both were clean. So I took them out, dried them, and left them to wander around the bathroom floor while I drained the water. Basically the above happened; the first fifteen minutes were fine, but then they would get at each other. I gave up and put them both in their respective cages. What should I do? My mom and dad weren't pleased and they said that if they don't get along, we'll have to put Pip up for adoption or back to the shelter.
Things were alright; I had some towels and several pieces of lettuce out. They sniffed and rumbled. Cleo seemed like the submissive one because she would bow down under Pip's chin. Cleo also seemed very intent on sniffing Pip's butt. After about ten minutes or so, though, things started to escalate. Pip would chatter and Cleo, in retaliation, would make high-pitched squeals. I didn't interfere yet, but five minutes later when the two were face-to-face and snapping at each other, I threw a towel down on them and separated the two.
I calmed down Cleo and then I tried a different tactic. I filled the tub with an inch of warm water and I gave them both a bath (they needed it anyway). They didn't fight or anything and they both were clean. So I took them out, dried them, and left them to wander around the bathroom floor while I drained the water. Basically the above happened; the first fifteen minutes were fine, but then they would get at each other. I gave up and put them both in their respective cages. What should I do? My mom and dad weren't pleased and they said that if they don't get along, we'll have to put Pip up for adoption or back to the shelter.