tashagurl, Please do me a favor and take the time to capitalize the beginning of your sentences (as I ask on the posting policy at the top of every entry screen), I find them very hard to read. Breaking long text up into paragraphs helps, too.
About this issue, I really don't care what your breeding experience is. I'm not going to take the time to spell out my position when it is very public in many forums and especially on the Cavy Spirit website. "if this person chooses to breed her pigs than i think that they should have all the information they can possibly get so that they might improve their gps chances for survival." Wrong. That may be what you think this forum is about, but it isn't. It's about cages and other related things. I will have NO PARTY to helping anyone breed. Period. End of story. There are plenty of sites and forums to read and participate on other than this one.
If you don't like my position and I sound too harsh, well, so be it. Reading and posting here is voluntary.
I'm glad you are getting yours fixed.