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At last!


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Oct 13, 2004
I have gotten some photos of my guinea pigs here they are!,
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^^ her name is Brownie and I cut her hair as it was kind of bad but now im grooming her regularly

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^^ this is Sara, shes so cute but gets so scared easily :( but she likes to talk to me when I am petting her
Your pigs are so beautiful Brownie looks almost exactly like a pig I used to have named Callie.
Brownie is a Silkie but you cant really tell in that photo, Shes a sweetheart but spends most of her time in the pigloo
Very cute piggies! The first pic is excellent.

I have a sow named Marilyn that is the same way as your Sara. She'll scream bloody murder when picked up, but on your lap, she'll burble and coo as you pet her.

Tashagurl - I have an American sow named Callie. Great lap pig, but she's a bit of a bruiser to her cagemates. Very dominant.
Yeah Sara Will run around the cage making noises when I try and pick her up then when I get her she wheeks loudly then I put her on my lap, She then just coo's and burbles too its like all that fuss for nothing :D
My Sassy is like that. She screams and screams and then is fine when you have her on your lap. She is a very vocal pig. She tries to boss everyone around too.
Brownie has such beautiful markings. I love sara's eyes
I love both of them. I like the small white streak that your brownie has on her head. The both are cute.
thanks everyone :D, Yeah they are so cute and loveable and they are my first that actually have color my previous where just Black or White Or Grey oh wait i had a brown one too
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