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Asking the President of the ACBA

Slap Maxwell

Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Mar 1, 2005
Tracy Iverson states, on https://mrcavy.tripod.com/, that "My success comes from breeding dalmatian to dalmatian, keeping and breeding those with the best spots. Never using offspring with white toes or feet helps eliminate, or minimize, the occurrance in the herd."

So I thought I would ask him how he disposes of the lethals.

He emailed me back with the responce "who are you?"

I told him who I was.

I wonder how these people do it, what sick minded people breed dal x dal on purpose.

We will hopefully hear from him soon.
That's horrid. "Who are you". Why does it matter? You asked a valid question. I wouldn't expect a valid answer though. Not with his attitude.
I doubt there will be a positive response. I've been checking out one of the links. Oh boy, the tag catalogue? I really don't understand the point of tagging ears for a show. I've seen people use stickers on the ear (in pictures). Don't those work just as well?
I doubt you'll get a response. You're one of those "cavy huggers."
That is a most unprofessional response to a very valid question. I'm not surprised however, onsidering his callous opinion of living things and life in general. These are not toys he is creating. These are living, sentient beings.

If I had that attitude at my job, I'd get fired. I suggest you go public with this, as this is a bigger problem than it seems on the surface.
About the ear tags... I think shows use them so the guinea pigs that are shown have a permanent number. With stickers, they have a random number that is given to them. I don't know any shows in the UK who use tags, but I know other countries do.
A side note: I found this on his friend's page:

"He [the boar] was placed in breeding today with two virgin sows and two sows that are each carrying a litter from another boar. As soon as they deliver they will be backbred to the new boar." https://silvercrestcaviary.tripod.com/news.htm Under 11.25.04
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that's idiotic!!! I hope he feels guilty when those poor sows die from stress :eek:( I doubt that though...
I like this part: "have a small group of dals, approximately 12, with great success coming from a boar named "Iverson's Adam". This guy throws litter after litter of nice show quality babies and is best bred to his daughters and granddaughters."

Nice inbreeding to just obtain perfect looks.
that's too sick.
Ok, Maybe i am asking a stupid question, but i don't know much about cavy breeds and everything. I have read up on lethals and what their characteristics are, but what type of pigs need to breed in order to make a lethal, or even have that possibility.
thanks everyone.
Dalmation x dalmation or roan x roan of any variety (teddy, peruvian, american, etc.).
What is running through this guy's head:
Breeding purposefully for lethals, then killing them in cruel ways! Maybe tomorrow I can figure out how to breed a skinny and dalmation together, then breed those babies at 4 weeks and keep back breeding them because of how much they love being mommies. Everyone knows babies with no hair, teeth, or eyes, and half the normal lifespan of a regular pig are the bestest thing ever. The inbreeding could be part of the appeal; I could advertise that the family tree was shaped like a circle, and was patterned after the British royal family. I bet you could sell them as a special new breed, especially if they lived long enough to reproduce and create increasingly odd and tortured subsequent generations.

Granted it's human nature to try to rationalize our decisions, but at some point, most logical people realize when they've gone too far. Way, way, too far. Most people might view, oh, let's see, THE DEAD BABIES as a wake up call.
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"We have a snake that eats the babies the same day they are born. Even snakes have to eat....I hesitated to reply to you because some people can be judgmental about breeding that creates micropthalmics."
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That was his reply to you? How sick is that?
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Yeah, that was it.
Sorry for the disapearance of this thread. It was removed by Slap's request but is now being put back up.

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#1- ME-
I was curious what your routine is for disposing of lethals when you breed dalxdal?

#2- TRACY-
who are you?

#3- ME-
I am Bailey, from Connecticut. I am just curious what your method is.

#4- ME-
On why I am asking, I too breed dals and a few roans and I know you can get cleaner spots with breeding dalxdal.

#5- TRACY-

We have a snake that eats the babies the same day they are born. Even snakes have to eat....I hesitated to reply to you because some people can be judgmental about breeding that creates micropthalmics.

#6- TRACY- You liar. Please stop posting my emails in public forums. Maybe I should tell the people on your forum that you breed Dalmations just like me, or was that also a lie?

#7- ME-
Sorry, but you should watch yourself. Us cavy huggers are quite notorious.

Have a good day

#8- TRACY-

It should be evil not notorious.

#9- ME-
Oh and evil is not keeping pigs in small cages, back breeding, inbreeding, addding to the surplus population, and birthing pigs with deformities on purpose just to get a better show cavy??

#10- TRACY-

I don’t know why I’m writing you back...but

Oh and evil is not keeping pigs in small cages,

You don’t know what size my cages are. I have no pictures on my site and you have never seen
back breeding,

A natural behavior in Guinea Pigs


Also normal in wild Guinea pigs. A Male Elk keeps the same herd of does until he is defeated. While he has his herd he breeds with his daughters, granddaughters, etc...

addding to the surplus population,

What overpopulation? In the last 3 years I havenot been able to supply enough Guinea Pigs for the pet demand.

and birthing pigs with deformities on purpose just to get a better show cavy??

God made man the sheperd of the animals. I am one of those sheperds even if don’t think I an a very good one. My caviary is USDA inspected regularly and I have no violations.

Do not email me again. I have blocked your email address so I don’t have to see whatever stupid reply you send me.
Pffft. "I blocked your e-mail" That means "I know I'm wrong, but I like my selfish ways too much to care."

If he really felt he was a "shepherd of the animals" he wouldn't be hurt by your words.
Maybe I am just too new of a guinea pig owner but why would someone breed them like that and show them? I must be ignorant but I think of guinea pigs as part of the family like our cats. It just seems mean to do what this guy does.
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