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Argh!!! Who do they think they are?? (long)


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Jan 19, 2005
Well, I was just browsing on google to find some piggy sites (yeah, I really have nothing better to do with my saturday night, haha) and I happened upon this "lovely site:" (broken link removed) . At first I wasn't too swayed by it, since I clicked on a link that brought me to a page displaying her peruvian piggies. I assumed she owned or showed, which upset me, but wasn't as bad as some of the stuff I've happened upon online. But wat tipped me off was her claim that she is "working with himalayans, blacks, roans, and a few brokens." This idea of "working" with piggies, especially roans/himalayans disturbed me even more. Then I went to her homepage (the link I gave you) and discovered that in fact, this person is a breeder, and I quote, "for fun [is] also working with the hairless breeds!" (my bold, italic, and exclamation) For FUN??? you may be asking, ah it gets better my friends! To go even further, it would seem that she is purposly breeding himalayans and roans: "We have accquired excellent breeding stock from some of the best lines out there...Fort York cavies has supplied us with several wonderful...roans and himalayans." Now, maybe I am misunderstanding the "breeding of the roans," but honestly, what cavy owner who knows anything about this wonderful species, and as a breeder has PRESUMABLY done some research into the genetic challenges facing those who hope to "improve the breed" (as she later claims) purposly breed ANY hailess breed (Baldwin/Skinny) knowing that this breed is just a mutation with countless health problems, including skin disorders (i.e. CANCER!), many of whom do not live out a normal cavy life span, not to mention all of the health risks they face because of their "weak" genes!?! Why would you want to perpetuate this breed? Because of its novelty or potential for profit? Disgusting. Adopt out the ones who badly need homes, not create more pigs to find homes for! (see Guinea Lynx forums for more info on skinny's, just type "skinny" in the search bar.)
To top it off, this person claims they are a "responsible" breeder breeding "for perfection in both health, and standards. All of our cavies are bred in the hopes of making the next generation better each time." This woman boasts salt licks as being one of the wonderful things her cavies has access to, breeds baldwins and skinnys, and possibly roans ON PURPOSE and claims herself to be responsible??? Ack!

And finally, you can have one of her wonderful piggies shipped to you, including the roans and hairless, with no indication that they have been spayed/neutered to prevent further breeding of these "deadly" (sorry, but it's true!) piggies, or failing that, without any warning that under NO circumstances should these precious cavies be bred further to prevent the death of countless helpless cavies (both in the litter and shelters). The only attempt she makes is to appeal to her customers that :
"Before you decide to buy one of my treasured pets, you must agree that you will take excellent care of it and treat it as it deserves. Please do not buy one of my pets if it will be neglected,mishandled, or used as reptile food or any kind of food. They must be caged properly, and supplied with the needed accommodations. They must also get a wonderful amount of attention."

I mean COME ON! If she is shipping this pigs, how does she know you won't be using them as reptile food *shudder.* I hate to think that people like this are allowed to TOUCH piggies!

Sorry if I've ranted for too too long, but it just made me so angry and sad to see what people *think* is responsable being touted about unquestioned and unchallenged. Another affirmation that shelters and rescues are DEFINATELY the place to go to save a piggy's life...and that people like this should be smacked a few times to understand the danger they are putting these animals in for their own profit and benefit.

Ly, CavySpirit, or Treen...feel free to move this to the Kitchen forum if it gets too heated, but I just wanted to vent and thought this might be the appropriate place...for now ;)
That is horrible.
That's awful!!
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