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Apology Note


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Apr 10, 2004
Ok, let me tell you the story. We have two english teachers - Mrs. Signorile and Mrs Boxal. Mrs. Boxal is absolutely awful. She knows that we have our exams coming up but she doesn't teach us anything. We are learning poems with her, and every other glass has annotated word by word and they have a whole page of writing on the poem. I am not exaggereated, but we have annoted two or three words. THATS IT! So I left it for a bit thinking that she would improve in her teaching, but she didn't. So I went to Mrs. Signorile to complain. She said that we would not have her as a teacher anymore, but wayhay there she was for the next lesson and the next and the next. Me and zoe could not take it anymore. In the politest way possible we wentto Mrs. Boxal at lunch and politely said that we do not think we have done enough work in class. We said that we didn't have enough notes to revise from. We showed here one of our annotated poems and one of my other friends annotated poems. She totally blamed us and couldn't face it. She said that its not her problem, its ours. I was furious! So we just left it. This morning, Mrs. Signorile came looking for me and had the biggest go at me. She said she was very uspet and dissapointed in me. WHAT??? I was so shocked. I thought I was doing the right thing by confronting Mrs. Boxal. Now, she wants me to write an apology note to Mrs. Boxal, but I don't feel that I should. What do you think? Shall I just write it or shall I go see the head of year. This is out of order, SO oout of order. Woah, so sorry for the long message, just had to vent.
Hmmm that is total bull. You were after all only doing what you thought was in your best interest. Does the rest of the class also share your same views? If so you could try to get them to sign a petition. If not, maybe your parents can help you and write a letter or have a conference with one of the teachers (maybe both at the same time). And then there is writing a letter to Mrs.S explaining exactly why you shouldn't write a letter of apology because of reason A), reason B), etc. Of course the last option is purely to stick it into both of your teachers, but I'm that kind of person and that is probably what I would do. The only advice I can give, is to try and handle this in the most diplomatic and mature way possible as that may get through to your teachers that you're not some " young highschool douchebag " and maybe worth listening too. If all else fails, succumb to defeat and just write the letter.
I both agree and disagree with Miss Piggy.

Agree: Get your parents involved. On your own, you look like a snotty teenager trying to make trouble. With your parents involved, they might take you a little more seriously. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but people seem to have a low opinion of teenagers these days. So yes, act as maturely and intelligently as you can. You're obviously showing that you're interested in your school work and want to do well.

Disagree: Do not give in and write the letter. That will completely justify all their laziness. Teachers get jaded and bored, and don't want to do more than is absolutely necessary in the classroom. That sounds like what you're facing here. Do your best, get your parents involved if you can, try speaking to a higher authority such as a head teacher or principal, and if all else fails, do your own independent study.

I had the same thing in high school, my final year English teacher was worse than useless. My guinea pigs have a higher IQ that this woman. Anyway, the entire class figured out her uselessness, and we just all did our own study and made it though okay despite our teacher. You might just have to go that way. It doesn't sound like you're getting much support from the teachers at all.
i agree with krisanthemum. I had the same problem and I went to my techer to tell her that I need notes and my test papers back and she told me that I had to figure it out on my own. And she failed me on my finals for no reason. I went to my mother and told her aobut this and she called the school about my math teacher. She had to pass me with a b. the school fired her for the lack of lazieness she was.
Thanks for all the suggestions. Yuck. I kept on seeing Mrs. Boxall around school today and I swear she was giving me snooty and evil looks. She rolled her eyes at zoe when we were queing up for the canteen!

What we have decided to do:
Go to Mrs. Signorile tomorrow and try to straghten things out. There is NO way that I am going to write that stupid apology note

If things don't get sorted out, I may go to the head of my year. She's lovely and I'm sure she will understand.

I know some pther people who have her as a teacher, and they all agree that she's crap. They said that if I need proof that she was a bad teacher, they would put in word

I'm going to photocopy my other friends poetry notes. We all learn the same poems, so I might as well.
They all sound like good ideas, Piglet, especially getting copies of the notes. It's always a good idea to have evidence for your arguments. Perhaps also get a copy of the notes from other people in your class with the lazy teacher, just to prove that it's not just you having the problems with this lady.

Good luck!
I think you've done the right thing. She needs to remember that her salary is paid for by you and your family (taxes) and that she has an obligation to do a good job and should be happy to help you as long as you're polite about it. If you don't get the results you want, I think it's perfectly fine to bring in your parents or go to the head of the school as long as it's done politely.
Just a thought- Maybe Mrs. B has something going on in her life, I mean she's a teacher but she's still human.

Or maybe you missed something when you left for a bit?
Nah, I just think she's a crap teacher! I'm going to write the note. It kills me to do it, but I really don't want to make a huge fuss about it. Argh, I'll be in pain when I wrote the letter!
I donno, people can have something going on, like a /divorce/whatever and bring a bad attitude with them to work. Maybe And sense teachers really don't tell their students what's going on in their life, you never know, could be.

I really don't think "crap teacher" is the right way to put it, we should love everyone, you can love someone withought agreeing with the things they do, but calling her a "crap teacher" is out of line and really isnt going to solve anything.

Sometimes teachers just have easy classes, if your tests for that class are easy consider it a good thing, maybe no work in class is enough to pass, if it isn't tought in class it shouldnt be on a test is what I think.

I probably would write an apology letter if I were you, but that would still depend on exactly what happened, which I dont know.
TinaFabulous said:
I really don't think "crap teacher" is the right way to put it, we should love everyone, you can love someone withought agreeing with the things they do, but calling her a "crap teacher" is out of line and really isnt going to solve anything
If you knew her, you would not call it out of line. She knows that we have very very important exams coming up and yet she doesn't teach us. I've had enough with here. I'm just going to do my own work out of school
I wouldnt have to know her, I think calling ANYONE bad things is out of line. Like I said calling her a "crap teacher" isnt going to solve anything, or help the situation, so it's a pointless ting to do.

Doing your work outside of school, will actually help to correct the situation.

I don't doubt that she could be a bad teacher, I just disagree with how you chose to refer to her as.
I don't think the term "crap teacher" is out of line since she apparently is one for Piglet. Goodness knows when I'm frustrated I'm steaming with obscenities, and I don't mean to sound rude ( although this probably is), but I don't think you have the jurisdiction to comment on how she expresses herself in her situations she experiences. Whether she handles things rationally or irrationally for herself is her philosophy, not ours.
It's hatrid, which IS out of line. God wants us to love one another... It really isnt worth it to be angry, hold grudges, or decide not to forgive someone. By doing these things we are ultimatly just hurting ourselves.

What others chose to do may be none of my buisness, Piglet just asked for our opionions, and this is mine. The teacher may or may not be as bad as you say, I really wouldnt know, but I know that getting angry about it wont do any good, it will only make your anger increase.

We all have anger, Im not saying I havent harvested anger before, I'm just saying that I try not to let others water my anger... And I think you should try to do the same, do not judge people, leave the judging up to God, and try not to be negitive about life, our time here is too short for that.

It was never a matter of me thinking what she did was irrational, believe me if I had the teacher I would probably bring this up too, I just worried that she was letting the situation (and the teacher) get to her, and don't let it do that. You have a roof over your head, food on your plate, a good family who I'm sure loves you very much, 2 adorable guinea pigs, I just wondered why people get so upset about these small matters is all.

I hope I didnt sound too preachy, I have a very strong opinion on these sorts of subjects, and hope to become a minister of the Christian faith when I'm older. (The one true faith)
Wow Tina. I really like your sermon. I am in a Christian faith. I go to Allegheny Ceneter Aliance Chruch in Pittsburgh Pennslyvania. Hope your dream comes true.
Thank you, really it means alot to me. I go to trinity lutheran, which is MI sinade of lutheran... They dont believe in women becomming pastors, even though alot of the congergation would argue that they should, I've gone their my whole life and there are very few things I disagree with in their system, and this is one I deffantly dont agree with, I have yet to make my case to our pastor about what I think. I believe that God did create all people equal, that women are alot different then in the past (we will no longer let men's opinion over-rule our own just because they are men) also that why is his calling from God any different from the one I've had sense I was 5? I'm working on figuring out debates for all the topics and verses he will bring up. If I am unprepared I will appear to be wrong just because I am lacking prepared facts... So when I do bring it up, I'm going to do it right. It's his job to defend our church's faith everyday, so he will be well ready with questions for me, and I know I will need to be ready with answers and questions for him.

Some people have asked our old pastor and even this one about women pastors, and pretty much failed, but I really hope that with God's help I can change the churches ideas about them... I mean they shouldn't complain about lack of pastors, when they won't accept women as them!
I have no problem with woman being a pastor. I went to a church that had a woman pastor. she was the head pastor but she preaches and she would have a male pastor preach too so that all the congregation can be comfortable with both. Maybe you can try something like that. Hey its Gods will if he wants you to be a preacher. Its great to minister to other people and I hope its his will for you.
I don't mind at all that you post your feelings, thats what I wanted, so you don't have to say sorry.
Ok :) , I hope everything works out with your class!
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