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Anyone for Mountain Dew?

ugh! i don't drink it, but it does not sound good! I really like root beer ans fresca and ginger ale, but it is so bad for me, so i don't ddrink it that often. I also love the Jones soda, but my tpo favorite above all the others would have to be either the root beer or a Hansen's Natural Soda, does anybody else like those.

Here in colorado we usually call it "pop"
I wish I could drink most pop/sodas :( Coke, pepsi, mt. dew, and such all make my kidney stones appear more often (passed over 100 so far) so I am down to drinking water or lemonade...so Lemonade is my favorite
That sux John. My husband has the same problem that you do. He can only drink alittle of pop. Here in Pgh Pa we call sodas pop too.
My favorite carbinated drink is bawls lol, its sooo good, next to that would be pepsi
Auzziefreak said:
My favorite carbinated drink is bawls lol, its sooo good, next to that would be pepsi
Hmmm, I love bawls too, ever try it with a slice of lemon? I haven't had that drink forever! >_<!
I absolutely ADORE Mountain Dew.. Like Coke and Pepsi... Sprite is really good too... Sierra Mist is good, Fresca's OK, but I HATE Dr.Pepper, any kind of root beer is just digusting! My mom says Mountain Dew looks like urine... o_O
I have never heard of Jones soda. Anyways they have a new pop out (Pittsburgh girl here too) it is diet cherry vanilla dr pepper..it's really good. I dont buy pop for at home,,I dont want my kids drinking alot. We get it at work alot. Youins have a nice day!!
never heard of the diet cherry van dr pepper. I have heard of Jones soda
It was at a shop n save a few weeks ago.
oh we hardly go food shopping. We both work at Subway 5 days a week and we get free footlongs everyday. yummy. Lost alot of weight on the Jarred diet. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love subway food its the best. I get their veggie every now and then too. finally went food shopping yesterday for the first time in a month
I've had the Cherry Vanilla Dr.Pepper and it is yummy, but I have to stop drinking it. I pounded up over the holidays, and that drink was one of the reasons. Acually my stupid skinny boyfriend was, he's one of those guys who never works out and eats whatever he wants and doesn't gain a pound. Naturally I thought if he could eat it and not gain weight, it would do the same for me. I was wrong.

But to change the subject a little bit from soda, has anyone ever had white cranberry peach juice? That stuff is soooooooo good!
I can hardly eat subway anymore. Since I worked at one for 2 yrs the smell turns my belly..lol..It was a good 7 yrs before I got a hoagie from there. Anyways,,,What is bawls? I also like A&W rootbeer.
Joa wow I know someone that worked at subway.
Omgosh! I love bawls! And AMP. They both make me crazy! XD
AHHHH..Thank you Miss Piggy. It looks as it taste good..but I'd be afraid to try it..I know what I am like after a mountian dew!!lol
same here and Im better off with just reg pepsi. If I drink to much caffine and go a day with out Ill be a maniac. a withdrawl
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