I use fleece and don't have the issue you mention as Maximus von Lichtenwalder's poops are firm, but he is a single pig in a 2 x 4 bottom with an upstairs 2 x 3 effective equivalent so it might be the bigger space per pig per poop ratio that works in my and his favour. He came to me with kiln dried pine bedding and it was used until finished. I tried the fleece option because the skin on his wee toes was always too red and had a little skin peeling around the edges, from the abrasion factor?, when I put him on fabric the redness abated, the skin stopped the little peel bits. So I figured while the pine might work for me it didn't work for the skin on his feet. Then I tried puppy training pads, I'm now using puppy pads in his kitchen section, which he pee's in the most, and I change every 4 days so there is never any odour. From all I have read fleece can be tricky depending on the kind of fleece, and how it is prepared, what soaps you use in the washing and the most important factor I have read about fleece is that it Must be washed as hot as possible to eliminate odour. I wash my fleeces at 90 degrees C. Though I have read that 60 degrees C would be adequate. 40 degrees C is not hot enough to kill the bacteria's that thrive in urine rich conditions.
Everyone seems to work out what is best for their own pigs and situations.