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Coroplast Alternatives Any other options?


Well-known Member
Cavy Slave
Sep 29, 2011
Hello! i was just wondering if there are any alternatives for coroplast because i can't find any anywhere around me. RIght now the cage base is made of a certain type of wood. (i forget the name) but if i ever want to expand i can't because the wood costs too much. Is there anything i could use thats cheep and easy to make a cage out of? I heard vinyl flooring might work? is that true? if anyone has any pictures of alternatives please post them for me! thanks so much !
Look at the photo galleries -- there are pictures of everything cage-related you'd ever want to see there.

You need something waterproof for the base -- plastic table cloth, shower curtain, linoleum, whatever . You just need to make sure the pigs can't chew it.
I bought tarp. Although I haven't used it yet, I think it's better than coroplast, no tape needed, cheaper, looks easier to clean and it comes in huge sizes.
Tarps work.well. Like @bpatters said, "plastic table cloth, shower curtain, linoleum" these all work, too!! I have used all of these before switching to coroplast. Tarps are by far the best. They are very water proof, big and easy to clean, but coroplast beats them all!!

You can also try buying coroplast online. But if you can't tarps is the best option!! lol
When we first got our pigs we tried a shower curtain. We couldn't find chloroplast anywhere (but honestly, we hadn't tried THAT hard, and the shower curtain seemed easier). We had it stretched tight and were SURE they couldn't get to it to eat any of it. We came home one day and there was a HUGE hole in the floor of their cage. I felt really bad, and we started looking for chloroplast again and found it a few days later. I have never tried a tarp though, but I personally wouldn't try the shower curtain again.
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