Check out this handsome devil . Well, here's the story. I got a phone call this afternoon from one of my friends, and she told me that someone she knew had to get rid of a guinea pig, or she was going to give him back to the store. I said that I could probably take him. A few hours later, a car pulled up to my house and my friend handed me a box containing this little guy. It looks like parts of his ears were chewed away. I'm keeping him in Leonardo's old cage until I can properly introduce them (assuming that he's a boy, which I believe he is). Any tips on how? Any links or ideas would be very helpful. Should I take him to the vet before I put the pigs together?
I was thinking of naming him Donatello or Raphael. What do you think?
By the way, I'm not very good at identifying breeds, but I think he's a peruvian. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!